Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Junk Plant Grand Gulf: 2016 Capacity Factor Troubles Continues Upon Start-up

Feb 10

100% river bend seems to have a slow start post outage.

Feb 9

Beyond absolute disgrace, back down to 76%.

Feb 8 update

absolute disgrace, still at 91% power

Reposted from 2/24

March 7

Grand Gulf has gone up to 91% last night or yesterday afternoon. Congratulation. Will it take a week to come up to 100% power?

Feb 27

Certainly looks like "a big extended down power event" with 74% power.  

Update Feb 24 (reposted from 2/7/17)

Their operational and maintenance issues is still dogging this plant. I see the plant is at 76% power today. You can't make any money at this level. What a disgusting capacity factor record. This indicates the plant is unsafe. It's exactly as I predicted on Feb 8 upon startup from a extended shutdown based on the operators' were incompetent. This is still a very troubled nuclear plant.
(Feb 8)"I predict within a month these guys will have a scram based on equipment problems and/or a big extended down power event."   
Feb 9
They didn't even get up 100% power for one day, now they power down yesterday from 96% power to 91%.

Feb 8

They are up to some 96% today. Seven days to get up to 96% is ridiculous and indicates still a profound weakness in the plant's staff.

I predict within a month these guys will have a scram based on equipment problems and/or a big extended down power event.

The NRC says sometimes it takes four years to correct for a big decline in plant performance.

Update Feb 7
This got to be the world record power assentation program. Now they are struck at 58% for two days. A week to just get up to 58% power? Can't make money this way?
Reposted from Feb 2
***These guys have been shutdown for three months based upon the licensed operators were incompetent and not safe.
I called the Grand Gulf senior inspector two days before they started-up. I wanted him to know I had special insider information. He told me the licensed operators were extensively retrained and they spent a lot of money on fixing equipment. They had high industry experts coming in and out of the plant to try to get a handle of their problems. 
They started sometime on Jan 30th.

1)     At midnight on Jan 30th they were at 9% power.

2)     Next night 20%

3)     Last night struck at 19%

With three months planning for this day, they should have been up at power much sooner. This has been a very troublesome start-up much like the capacity factor issues of the 2016. A good plant should take up to 24 hours to get up to way in excess of 90% power.

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