Monday, April 08, 2019

Troy Pruett's Grand Gulf 2.206

Grand Gulf 2.206


Pruett, Troy

Fri, Mar 8, 12:18 PM
to me

I did receive your voice message and emails.  Thank you for reaching out.  I also skimmed your recent posts to the blog page.  While some of the commentary is accurate, the portions regarding my involvement with Fort Calhoun and covering up violations are not correct.  I have filed several Differing Professional Opinions (DPOs), all of which are or will become public.  Several of the DPOs were posted to the Union of Concerned Scientists website.

It is true that many years ago 1, or maybe 2, employees filed a joint anonymous letter asserting I downplayed compliance issues.  After a 1.3 year investigation by the Office of Inspector General, I was cleared and no adverse actions were taken.  I returned to my position and was promoted soon thereafter.

At the time of the Fort Calhoun events I was assigned to the NRC Headquarters Office.  I had no involvement in the fire or flooding events.  This item, as well as most of the information in the anonymous complaint was false.  Additionally, it was my proposal and recommendation that the NRC adopted to transition Fort Calhoun to the NRC’s Manual Chapter 0350 process to ensure the correct level of oversight and inspection occurred. 

I have an impeccable safety record.  I value my role as a public servant and make regulatory decisions based on protecting the public and environment.  I have personally taken on some of the most safety significant oversight roles in the agency.  These include Waterford (SALP 3), Clinton (Manual Chapter 0350 oversight), Cooper (Group Lead for 95003), Post 9-11 Compensatory Order implementation and Mitigative Strategies implementation, Palo Verde (95003 Team Leader), Fort Calhoun (Initial Oversight Executive for Manual Chapter 0350), Arkansas Nuclear One (95003 Executive Oversight), and now San Onofre (ISFSI issues).  I have not, and will not, sacrifice safety oversight.


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