Monday, April 08, 2019

River Bend: More Massive Nuclear Paperwork Falsification At Entergy

NRC investigation

The NRC screwed up by copy protection of this document.

It is interesting the NRC frames this as several non licensed operators at the front end of the inspection report and later identifies it as nine non licensed operator.

Hmm, the NRC justified searching River Bend paperwork based on issues discovered at another plant. Entergy found it on their own based on similar violations at another plant.

Jesus, they were falsifying logs from 2013 till 2017. This minimizing the size of this by the reporting on this so late to the public is very troublesome. Where was inspectors and licensee employees. It sounds like the NRC and licensees processes and ROP are defective  This is huge and everyone knew about it. This isn't one violation for each of the nine is close to 10,000 separate violations over four years. The NRC says River Bend fired those who falsified deliberately and gave the rest one day off without pay. Basically seven got fire. Believe me, these guys are so stupid they never should have been hired in the first place. You have to be really smart to attempt to falsify paperwork. The non licensed operators seemed to be disillusioned with their pitifully low level jobs and poorly treated. The period of the violation was for four years, the NRC's period of investigation could be a lot less. Say the arbitrary four years the licensee's chose as the violation period, while the NRC might only go back a year or two.    

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