Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Advice To House Majority Democrats: Need Emergency Hearings On "So Called" NRC Reform And Deregulation

Markey is long gone from the house. He was the prime mover with keeping the industry on its toes. The much younger generation has absolutely no interest in voting or nuclear power interest and their intentional lying. Who is going the take Markey's old position in the house The pro safety stalwarts are dead or dying off. Nuclear Energy is fading from our collective historic memory. 

And, we in a gigantic financial nuclear crisis. 

Basically, in the last three years, the NRC has drastically reduced industry's transparency and severely weaken regulation. As in all our agencies. 

As a first step, the House should force the NRC to put back on the internet the NRC's blog. They should allow outside people like me the ability to comment (and get a official response) on their old style blog and it would be retained in their system for posterity. This tool is very powerful.  This is contingent on the NRC would put on the blog a comprehensive list of current issues and restore transparency.

The Navy has on their "Navy Times" a similar government blog where the public can comment their newspaper and get a response from the Navy officials. It too has disappeared from the internet.  The New US agency social media like facebook and  twitter have been generally designed to push the Republican propaganda. They are really not adequate for accepting, recording and getting official's responses.   On the big picture, all the US government blogs mostly begun on the Obama, should be updated and restored to the Obama form.

Believe me, Democrats in power and heads of agencies and beyond hates these kinds of transparency and accountability...  

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