Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Bridge Angel: Grossly Failed Bridge Inspection-Corruption-Facing A Year Shutdown Of Our Bridge

NH Head Bridge Engineer
Mr. Boodey,

I hear the Brattleboro- Hinsdale route 119 bridge is in near a state of collapse. Within a day of the startup of the inspection, they discovered massive damage to the members and cross arms underneath the deck. Right where all those terrible vibrations are.

So a contractor is doing the inspection today and in the recent past the NHDOT have done the shoddy inspections. You absolutely know this kind of damage takes years to develop...especially the perilous condition in recent years. That bridge has been unsafe for over 5 years and NHDOT has been submitting fraudulent bridge inspection. It is obviously corrupt and fraudulent bridge inspections being done by the NHDOT for political reasons. This should be referred to the to the NH Attorney General. I saved lives with my campaign on this bridge. You and your agency are a disgrace to your profession!!! I understand we a facing a refurbishment to the tune of a bridge shutdown for months, to a half year, a year or more?     

We need a emergency/expedited rescheduling of the new bridge build. We need new construction to start right now !!!


Mike Mulligan 
Hinsdale, NH

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