Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Masslive/Noah Bombard-The Defective Fingerprint Scanner Problem

So I talked to him for the second time yesterday. Basically said he has a tiny news staff and he had two state police stories he is working on. So he says. I guess he has mentioned it to a state trooper and he won't talk about it. It is too weak a story based on only my testimonial. Yet, it is documented in the court documents and it states I was processed though the Russell barracks. He really wants documents about purchasing fraud or a insider information. Honestly, I don't think he has the breath of experience or skills to understand organizational issues. They want is on a silver platter and know work. Well, it was a experiment anyways. Welcome to the world of a whistleblower. The 4th estate is one of our institutions who broke and failing us all.

He told me on outing the state police payroll head's name, it took him a month of hard work. It looks like a waste of time and company resources. He is not the best newspaper manager I ever seen.

It is a weak internet news organization. He never felt trustworthy to me. He wants the high level college boy stories, not the low level trooper that could make all the troopers lives better.

If I was a whistleblower with a important story, I'd never go to these guys.

Remember, these guys probably got a relationship with the state police.

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