Michael Mulligan <steamshovel2002@yahoo.com> Dear Sir, I had a problem yesterday with a NRC employee yesterday. I called and made a complaint to the Region I Administrator’s office. Mr Dorman was out of the office. I made the complaint to the office secretary. She said a employee would further talk to me about these events. “There is no radioactivity in turbine lube oil on the roof. It is a closed system” Here is my version of these events and a analysis of why this occurred. It is my blog. It will be my talking points to the investigator. Could
Today at 11:50 AM
Dear Sir,
I had a problem yesterday with a NRC employee yesterday. I called and made a complaint to the Region I Administrator’s office. Mr Dorman was out of the office. I made the complaint to the office secretary. She said a employee would further talk to me about these events.“There is no radioactivity in turbine lube oil on the roof. It is a closed system”Here is my version of these events and a analysis of why this occurred. It is my blog. It will be my talking points to the investigator.
Could you pass this e-mail onto the Region 1 Administrators office secretary and also to Chairman Burns’s office?"Junk Dead-Ender Plant Fitzpatrick: The NRC Cover-up and Unethical Employees In The Public Affairs office"Sincerely,
Mike Mulligan
Hinsdale, NH
Update 6/29:
The region I(all regions)NRC public affairs officials have become effectively nuclear industry open door mat concierges. They have turned into corporate public relations specialist befitting the nuclear industry. Everything NRC public affairs specialist has turned into the typical corporate model public relations specialist who will automatically sell their souls for a few pennies to the highest bidder.
You get the word """Public""" in Public Affairs specialist. You are not named nuclear industry Corporate Affairs specialist.
These guys don’t serve our common interest and greater national purpose. They are wholly serving the nuclear industry. The whole ends of this appalling corruption is to continue to make the nuclear industry collectively more fragile. You think you are trying to help-protect your weak buddy-brothers, but you are making them weaker by allowing to "not follow the accepted codes, rules and our common ethics.
Basically the whole NRC’s public affairs department is not effectively manage towards the greater ends of our country by the EDO and commissioners. I doubt they are really are public servants and they don't serve our collective commons ends and purpose.
And if the agency’s senior management were smart...the whole exchange by me concerning Fitzpatrick beginning with the trip last Friday has been a plan by me to preserve the NRC’s public credibly.
Ultimately, the NRC has a choice: is the NRC going to consume the NRC’s perilous public credibility on the dead-ender plants or will the agency conserve their precious public credibility to save the plants who might continue to operate for 10, 20 or 30 years and upcoming new plants. All plants and nuclear corporations aren’t the same national worth.
***NRC Complaint talking points...this will be my description of the events in my complaint to the NRC! I'd be glad to talk about this to any news media. 1-603-336-8320 Remember, everything is always recorded when talking on a NRC telephone call. I highly approve of this policy.
Think if the news industry first impression was Entergy declared they released radioactive turbine oil to Lake Ontario last Friday. Would their response and the magnitude of the interest be the same? This is what's the concern to the NRC.
Junk Plant Fitzpatrick: Cover-up of Radioactive Leak
(June 27) “By the talk of the NRC
spokesmen, the inspectors are too busy monitoring the outcome of the immediate
plant trip. They don't have time to take a deep dive into the lube
oil radiation contamination documentation. Imagine the fallout if the
inspectors go deep into the documentation and discovered the releases was radioactive.
I am not saying this level of radiation would harm anyone. I just want to see
the facts. I want to make sure everyone is following the establish rules
and regulations.”
Region 1 Public Affairs StaffSenior Public Affairs Officer: Diane Screnci
Field Public Affairs Officer: Neil SheehanImplements NRC policies and programs for Public Affairs in the Region.
6/27/2016@ 4:18pm
Hypothetical conversation between Fitz's senior VP and his slave underlings surrounding the turbine lube oil leak.
“This is Entergy's first declaration there is no radiation in the oil (above normal background). I suspect it went down like this.”
“The VP asked his underlings "is there any radiation contamination in the lube oil". They came back off the cuff, I am certain there is no radiation in the oil. But nobody ever collected a sampled for radiation detection yesterday or never referenced the documented history of radiation sampling in the lube oil.”
I called the NRC's Allegation department early yesterday
(6/28 to get my complaint down on the NRC’s paperwork, that the Fitzpatrick
leaking turbine lube oil was radioactive. I don’t trust verbal communications
with the NRC officials. I highly favor written commutations for this reason and
it is publically available. I know the Allegations department would accept my
complaint and reply in writing. They declined to accept my allegation. The Allegations
person said instead of an official allegation complaint, she would get an
expert NRC person to have a talking with me. I found that perfectly acceptable.
I was surprised the Allegation department didn’t automatically accept my complaint.
I have a lot of experience good and bad with the NRC’s allegation department. I
was basing my allegation on my experience and some documents and pictures I had obtained.
Surprisingly I got a quick call
back from I think was Senior Public Affairs Officer Diane Screnci later on in the
afternoon of June 28. I laid out
my rationale why I think it was an uncontrolled radioactive discharge. I think
we had about a 20-minute pleasant conversation. I specifically stated many times I need a
current sample result on radiation contamination levels in the turbine lube oil to be happy. She
told me she would get the information from the Fitz staff. She stated, the Fitz’s
staff is extremely busy…don’t think you will get a quick answer back. Mrs.
Screnci responses seems very reasonable and I was impressed with the NRC response
even though I wasn’t allowed to document my concerns
This afternoon on June 29, I
see on my tv screen I getting a region 1 call. I suspect it is about Fitz. It
is Mrs. Screnci. She has a very pleasant voice on the phone. She confidently and curtly
“I got this from the Fitz'd staff, there is no radioactivity in Fitz’s turbine lube oil spill. It is a closed system. The turbine lube oil is completely isolated from the radioactivity”.
Yesterday I thought Entergy was
covering-up their illegal discharge of radioactivity into Lake Ontario. Today I
think it’s a conspiratorial cover-up by Entergy and NRC, that Fitz’s illegally
discharged radioactivity to Lake Ontario contrary to regulations.
When I hear Mrs. Screnci response
“it’s a close system” I immediately think I can’t be hearing such nonsense from
a seasoned highly trained PA officer and much more educational and experienced
NRC staff at a Nuclear power plant. The plant’s NRC staff is highly professional nuclear
people and it's in the highly sensitive nature of the business…these guys would never put the
agency’s and individual reputation on the line with such nonsense.
I immediately told her the staff doesn’t know
how the turbine lube oil and sealing steam works at Fitze talking like this. I
begin thinking she must think I am a typical anti-nuclear dummy. Then it comes
to me, she trying to derail my concern and information, she thinks I am a anti nuke dummy by throwing disruptive communication
bs at me. How widespread is this in the PA office. But I think, I am
absolutely sure she knows who I am. Then it came, she playing the role of a
information disruptor, not a federal regulator who supposed to eb a provider of
accurate and reliable information to all stakeholders. Her role is supposed to a provided of accurate
information to the outsiders, not a disruptor of bad information leaving the plant.
I ask her, “can I show you
something”. I am two steps ahead of her, I got my ducks in row. I get this
light grunt from her on the phone, a slight delay, then begrudging prolonged OK. She was beginning
to unethically dump me from the phone, but thought about who I was and held her tongue. I think she hates me.
Vermont Yankee has the same turbine lube oil and vapor extractor as Fitz. The radioactivity in the turbine lube oil is a well warn path for me at VY. I show her a picture of the identical VY vapor extractor pipe vent on top the turbine build as Fitz…it’s got a large reactor main steam and vapor plume coming out of the vent line. It is the same line…vent pipe…that turbine lube oil that leaked oil out at Fitz vent line. I showed her the memo I got Vermont's state nuclear engineer Uldis Vanag in Oct 2011. He thinks there is at least tritium getting discharge from the lube oil system and probrably other radionuclides. Basically VY never knew radiation was in the plume…I forced VY to hire Areva to do an independent investigation on radiation in the turbine lube oil. The implication is the yearly environmental radiation discharge report was incomplete. I thoroughly explained the meaning of the VY’s lube oil plume picture and the state’s official memo to me.
Vermont Yankee has the same turbine lube oil and vapor extractor as Fitz. The radioactivity in the turbine lube oil is a well warn path for me at VY. I show her a picture of the identical VY vapor extractor pipe vent on top the turbine build as Fitz…it’s got a large reactor main steam and vapor plume coming out of the vent line. It is the same line…vent pipe…that turbine lube oil that leaked oil out at Fitz vent line. I showed her the memo I got Vermont's state nuclear engineer Uldis Vanag in Oct 2011. He thinks there is at least tritium getting discharge from the lube oil system and probrably other radionuclides. Basically VY never knew radiation was in the plume…I forced VY to hire Areva to do an independent investigation on radiation in the turbine lube oil. The implication is the yearly environmental radiation discharge report was incomplete. I thoroughly explained the meaning of the VY’s lube oil plume picture and the state’s official memo to me.
Then I get a sheepish Mike from Mrs. Screnci, "I
know what happened". I misconstrued your question yesterday(a lie). I thought
you were just asking about the lube oil on the roof. This absolutely makes no engineering or system/component sense. It is complete gibberish. I will ask the proper
question now to the staff.
Mrs Screnci declaration of no radioactive turbine oil on turbine roof to me (6/29)
“I got this from the NRC's Fitzpatrick staff; there is no radioactivity in Fitz’s turbine lube oil spill on the roof. It is a closed system. The turbine lube oil is completely isolated from the radioactivity”.
You notice how closely this
tracts with my hypothetical question the Fitz’s VP posed to his staff on June
27. The NRC is doing the same thing with Mrs. Screnci to me. She is intentionally stiff arming me off my investigation of these events. Didn't I do a great job predicting this kind
of response:
My hypothetical conversation(6/27)between Fitz's site VP to is underling slaves:
“The VP asked his underlings "is there any radiation contamination in the lube oil". They come back off the cuff, I am certain there is no radiation in the oil. (But nobody ever collected a sampled for radiation detection yesterday or never referenced the documented history of radiation sampling in the lube oil.)”
I thought about what occurred here
for a few minutes…then made a call to the region I administrator to file a
complaint. He was out of the office for a few days…I suspect a vacation. Basically
we are now checking to see if the regional administrator is also participating
in unethical behavior and a cover-up. The regional administrator (senior official
in region I) is a Mr. Dorman. I had to describe my concern to Mr Dorman Office secretary. She told me a NRC employee will call you to make the official complaint. My aim is to get these concern in the NRC documents. This article is my talking points to that person.
Mrs Screnci is the senior
office in the region I public affair office. So who could you trust to make
this complaint in that office. I wanted to make this complaint to her office. Basically
this is corruption in the highest order…a US regulator’s public affairs senior
officer is carrying the water of Entergy and the nuclear industry. She
participated in an illegal cover-up. She is not a US governmental regulator’s
public affairs officer…see is a anti US public Affairs officer. Her action withholds
information the public has a right to know and protects bad actor nuclear plant
Can’t you see Mrs. Screnci and NRC’s response, Mike, we were trying to protect a secret NRC investigation…that’s is why we deceived you.