(Bet you the leap year was implicated with this???)The NRC made a rare mistake yesterday. The published the comments on the power reactor status report. Or did they do this on purpose. They usually wait 30 to 60 days for competitive reason to publish the comments.
My comments about this:
Indian Point 2: The coast down to refueling for the past month has been highly erratic.
Seabrook: Did the maintenence on the 345 line or its downpower cause the scram?
Pilgrim: they explain the computer upgrade has caused its downpower to 98%.
Fermi 2 junk: runback on junk heater drain parts.
Arkansan 2 shutdown: junk check valve parts.
*Grand Gulf: my bad, in refueling outage?
Junk Plant River Bend: problems with breakers. Did the NRC shut them down?
Power Reactor Status Report for March 1, 2016
Unit Power Down Reason or Comment Change in report (*) Number of Scrams (#) Beaver Valley 1 100 * Beaver Valley 2 100 * Calvert Cliffs 1 0 02/15/2016 REFUELING OUTAGE * Calvert Cliffs 2 100 * FitzPatrick 100 Ginna 100 Hope Creek 1 100 * Indian Point 2 81 COASTDOWN TO REFUELING OUTAGE * Indian Point 3 100 Limerick 1 94 COASTDOWN TO REFUELING OUTAGE * Limerick 2 100 Millstone 2 100 Millstone 3 100 Nine Mile Point 1 100 Nine Mile Point 2 100 Oyster Creek 100 Peach Bottom 2 100 100 MVAR RESTRICTION DUE TO TURBINE BEARING VIBRATIONS Peach Bottom 3 100 Pilgrim 1 98 HOLDING POWER FOR PROCESS COMPUTER UPGRADE * Salem 1 100 * Salem 2 100 * Seabrook 1 100 DOWNPOWER CONTINGENCY DURING 345 kV LINE MAINTENANCE Susquehanna 1 89 COASTDOWN TO REFUELING OUTAGE * Susquehanna 2 100 * Three Mile Island 1 100 * Region 2
Unit Power Down Reason or Comment Change in report (*) Number of Scrams (#) Browns Ferry 1 100 Browns Ferry 2 100 Browns Ferry 3 0 02/19/2016 REFUELING OUTAGE Brunswick 1 0 02/26/2016 REFUELING OUTAGE * Brunswick 2 100 Catawba 1 100 Catawba 2 100 Farley 1 100 Farley 2 100 Harris 1 100 Hatch 1 0 02/07/2016 REFUELING OUTAGE Hatch 2 100 McGuire 1 100 McGuire 2 100 North Anna 1 100 North Anna 2 89 COASTDOWN TO REFUELING OUTAGE Oconee 1 100 Oconee 2 100 Oconee 3 100 Robinson 2 100 Saint Lucie 1 100 Saint Lucie 2 100 Sequoyah 1 100 Sequoyah 2 100 Summer 100 Surry 1 100 Surry 2 100 Turkey Point 3 100 Turkey Point 4 100 Vogtle 1 100 Vogtle 2 100 Watts Bar 1 100 Watts Bar 2 0 Region 3
Unit Power Down Reason or Comment Change in report (*) Number of Scrams (#) Braidwood 1 100 Braidwood 2 100 Byron 1 100 Byron 2 100 Clinton 99 100% ELECTRICAL CAPABILITY D.C. Cook 1 100 * D.C. Cook 2 100 * Davis-Besse 85 COASTDOWN TO REFUELING OUTAGE * Dresden 2 100 Dresden 3 100 Duane Arnold 100 Fermi 2 58 RECEIVED POWER RUNBACK FROM LOSS OF HEATER DRAIN FLOW * La Salle 1 0 02/14/2016 REFUELING OUTAGE La Salle 2 100 Monticello 100 Palisades 100 Perry 1 100 * Point Beach 1 100 Point Beach 2 100 Prairie Island 1 100 Prairie Island 2 100 Quad Cities 1 100 * Quad Cities 2 91 COASTDOWN TO REFUELING OUTAGE * Region 4
Unit Power Down Reason or Comment Change in report (*) Number of Scrams (#) Arkansas Nuclear 1 100 Arkansas Nuclear 2 0 02/23/2016 MAINTENANCE OUTAGE TO REPAIR CHECK VALVE LEAKAGE Callaway 100 Columbia Generating Station 100 Comanche Peak 1 100 Comanche Peak 2 100 Cooper 100 Diablo Canyon 1 100 Diablo Canyon 2 100 Fort Calhoun 100 Grand Gulf 1 0 02/19/2016 REFUELING OUTAGE Palo Verde 1 100 Palo Verde 2 100 Palo Verde 3 100 River Bend 1 0 02/17/2016 FORCED OUTAGE - BREAKER MAINTENANCE South Texas 1 100 South Texas 2 100 Waterford 3 100 Wolf Creek 1 100
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