Friday, February 19, 2016

Junk Plant Pilgrim Now Gets New Individual NRC's Web Page

Additional NRC Oversight at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant

The Pilgrim nuclear power plant, in Plymouth, Mass., is under increased oversight from the NRC. In September 2015, the agency announced the finalization of a "White" (low to moderate safety significance) inspection finding that stemmed from issues involving the plant's safety relief valves. Based on that enforcement action, in combination with two earlier "White" findings received by the plant, Pilgrim moved to Column 4, of the agency's Action Matrix, which dictates the agency's level of oversight at plants. The NRC has embarked on a review process that will entail three phases and numerous hours of inspection.

(NRC)"Subject: 2.206: Pilgrim Nuclear Plant SRV Request for Emergency Shutdown"

(My blog Write-up) 2.206: Pilgrim Nuclear Plant SRV Request for Emergency Shutdown

I presented this 2.206 to the regional officials at the SRV white finding public meeting this summer. I asked them why didn't you move on this 2.206 petition. They said, "at the time there was no evidence available to show the SRVs were inoperable or broken to anyone. This 2.206 was just based on wishful thinking." Everything in this 2.206 has come to be true post Jan storm Juno and the resulting NRC investigations.
I have these conversations recorded...
From: Michael Mulligan []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:33 PM
Yep, I was desperately trying to get people to believe what I was saying. Took a shot at getting the Boston Globe involved. 
To:; NRC Allegation
Dear sir, 
I called this into your hotline by telephone and left a message to a reporter an hour or so ago. This is just a follow-up. 
I'd like to get Gov Patrick to demand an immediate Pilgrim shutdown and demand a special investigation of these events. 
*** So the below is my 2.206 request to the NRC. You'd do me a favor if the BG calls our region I public relation people.. .Neil Shaheen.
March 7, 2013
This was shortly after storm Nemo...
Bill Borchardt

Executive Director for Operations

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC 20555-0001 
Dear Mr. Bochardt, 
(March 2013)Request an emergency and for a exigent bases, that the Pilgrim Nuclear plant be immediately shut down.
Don't tell me just before Nor'easter Nimo struck the Pilgrim plant with a leaking safety relief valve and down at 80%, Entergy was intending to operate that plant with a defective leaking safety relief valve till the next refuel outage. Tell it ain't so. It certainly looks like with the current leak today that are intending to operate till next month.
Is the game plan today to incrementally increase reactor power from 94% by 1% to see if a new SRV leak is getting worse? 
1) New three stage safety relief valves installed in the plant around May 2011.
***Actually, later discovered the first leak with new SRVs occurred within the first weeks after first plant start-up in May 2011.
2) First leak and shut down on Dec, 26. 2011 (SRV RV-203-3D). 
3) Second leak and shut down on Jan 20, 2013 (SRV RV-203-3B). 
4) Third leak occurred a few weeks later and the Nemo blizzard tripped the plant...the NRC promised these valves would be fixed. (SRV RV-203-3B).
5) Basically they operated for 20 days at 100% power operation post shutdown, then reported on Feb 27 the plant is operating at 94% power with no explained reason until today. The reason for the down power was kept secret from the public. Don't forget the repetitive nature of the recently broken scram discharge volume vent and drain valves...implies Entergy is incapable of maintaining safety components of a nuclear plant. 
The repeated nature of the failures of the safety relief valves means Entergy doesn't know the mechanism of the is a common mode failure. The design and manufacture of these valves are defective and it is extremely unsafe to operate a nuclear plant with all safety relief valves being INOP. A condition adverse to quality... 
The NRC should have made a public comment about the new leaking safety relief when they first became aware of the leak. The implication is the agency was going to allow the plant to operate with unsafe SRVs until the refueling outage next month. The NRC is involved in a serious cover-up of an extremely unsafe operation of a nuclear power.
1) Request an immediate shutdown the Pilgrim Plant. 
I called for a big special inspection in early 2013. One wonders if the NRC a full scale special inspection in 2013; would Pilgrim not have a had permanent shutdown hanging over their head today?
2) The is the second time I requested a special NRC inspection concerning the defective SRV valves.  
3) Not allow the plant to restart Pilgrim until they fully understand the past failure mechanisms of the four bad new three stage safety relief valves. 
The NRC OIG just below blew this request for help off without even a notification to me.
4) Request the OIG investigate this cover-up to keep an unsafe nuclear plant at power.

Michael Mulligan
PO Box 161
Hinsdale, NH 03541

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