Thursday, April 09, 2020

World Health Organization Chief Has Got To Go

Well, this guy must have faced racial slurs all his life, as all blacks and minorities face on a daily bases. Why did he do this at this time? Did Trump get into his head with his recent criticism with this organization? Is this a coping mechanism of the chief or is he trying divert attention with the Trump criticism. Basically, hate to stay it, but I agree with Trump on this. A guy in this position has to have a thick skin a mile wide. This response to this insignificant racial slur is a diversion from his agency fighting this world wide pandemic. Could you blame this guy if he feels so overwhelmed by the Pandemic, he is starting to break?  
The W.H.O.’s chief says he was the target of racist slurs in Taiwan.

The director-general of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Wednesday that he had been targeted by racist comments and death threats that originated in Taiwan, in the past three months, including being called “a Negro.”

Dr. Tedros singled out the Taiwanese government, which has been frozen out of the W.H.O. after pressure from Beijing.

“They didn’t disassociate themselves,” he said of Taiwanese officials. “They even started criticizing me in the middle of all that insult and slur, but I didn’t care.”...

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

What About Coronavirus In Our US Navy

April 9

Coronavirus took out two modern aircraft carriers.
THE MILITARY'S second-highest ranking officer on Thursday warned of a new coronavirus outbreak aboard the USS Nimitz, an aircraft carrier about to embark on a deployment to the Pacific as the military struggles to contain the spread of the virus that has already sidelined crewmembers from another carrier.
"There's been a very small number of breakouts on the Nimitz, and we're watching that very closely," Air Force Gen. John Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters at the Pentagon on Thursday about the 5,000-member crews. He said that those sailors have "been isolated on the ship."Reposted from 2/26.
Update April 6

This guy must have played out how it would go in his head, giving the letter to his boss. Decided the chain of command wouldn't work. He must of known other chain of commands were facing the same issues and Washington non responsive. He should have sent the letter up his chain of command, if the response was insufficient, then go to the Washington Post. I wonder if he faced a soft mutiny, sailors just leaving the ship. Maybe the way he did this was to protect the Navy from a mutiny which would have broad ramifications.  

Navy’s top admiral says miscommunication led to release of bombshell letter from carrier’s skipper

Hundreds of sailors aboard the carrier Theodore Roosevelt applauded as their commanding officer left the ship Thursday because Big Navy fired him.

“Captain Crozier! Captain Crozier!” the sailors chanted amid claps and cheers as their skipper walked along the gangway, leaving his ship of nealy 5,000 sailors.

“That’s how you send off one of the greatest captains you ever had,” one sailor said one of several cell phone videos posted online Thursday.

Capt. Brett Crozier, commanding officer of the sidelined aircraft carrier in port in Guam, was abruptly relieved of duty Thursday after copy of writing a letter describing the COVID-19 outbreak on the 4,800-person ship and pleaded for help from his senior officers.
Naples is the home of the sixth fleet.

The Sixth Fleet is a numbered fleet of the United States Navy operating as part of United States Naval Forces Europe. The Sixth Fleet is headquartered at Naval Support Activity Naples, Italy.[2] The officially stated mission of the Sixth Fleet in 2011 is that it "conducts the full range of Maritime Operations and Theater Security Cooperation missions, in concert with coalition, joint, interagency, and other parties, in order to advance security and stability in Europe and Africa." The current commander of the Sixth Fleet is Vice Admiral Lisa M. Franchetti.
 Italy got coronavirus really bad.
NN)A US Navy sailor stationed in Naples, Italy, has tested positive for coronavirus, marking the first positive case for a US servicemember stationed in Europe, according to a statement from US European Command and US Naval Forces Europe-Africa.

The servicemember, stationed at a naval support facility in Naples, tested positive Friday and is currently restricted to their residence, according to the statement, receiving medical and other support in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Italian guidelines.

Authorities said health professionals from the US military are conducting what they call "a thorough contact investigation" to determine if any other personnel may have been exposed. They say depending on the results other precautionary measures may be taken.

The statement said personnel that the servicemember came in close contact with have already been notified and are in self-isolation at their residences.
Feb 28

*U.S. Pacific Fleet commander Adm. John C. “Lung” Aquilino has directed all vessels visiting nations in the 7th Fleet area of operations “to remain at sea for at least 14 days before pulling into another port in order to monitor sailors for any symptoms" of COVID-19, a new and deadly strain of the coronavirus.

Aquilino’s unclassified Wednesday order is part of a larger Navy effort to control the spread of a disease that emerged in China’s Wuhan City last year and now has been detected in 37 locations internationally, including cases in the United States.

On Tuesday, a U.S. soldier stationed in South Korea became the first service member to test positive for the virus but Navy officials insist no personnel in the sea service have shown signs of the disease.

***Can you even imagine when the coronavirus ignites infections in a Navy ship considering our recent cruise ship horror show. In capital ships like a aircraft carrier or cruisers.

I Don't Trust Any Coronavirus Model

They are all too compromised by agendas and no professional independent oversight.  The graphs are too easily compromised. They are more a fiction. 

Lets say a model is found to grossly inaccurate and severely misleads the public and our government. There is no enforcement and punishment if found to be inaccurate. If the afterwards, there is no consequences if it misleads the nation. What in the next pandemic would make the model makers more accurate. The damn news will report anything coming from a advanced degree or PhD. 

It is basically more empty news that fill the airwaves cheaply.      

My Brother's Family Got Coronavirus


*Yea, my brother is talking about the meaning of life, god and spirituality. He has been traumatized by a simple virus.    

*Springfield Ma with their level of poverty and hopelessness, their post industrialization shattering of the dream...they are getting ready to get the shit kicked out of them. There only hope is the warming weather will tamp the virus level down.  

***There is four in the family. Two got it really bad, but no hospitalization. Two barely felt a thing. They all live in the same house. The two kids are in the mid 20's. You would think the parents would get the virus bad.   But my brother and the oldest son got it bad. The others got off easy. My brother lives in Springfield Ma. Seems the ignorants in Springfield are really in a frenzy in Springfield brother's family are worried about being stigmatized.  

Sunday, April 05, 2020

What Are The Implications With A Dire Nationwide Shortage Of Thermometers (human)

Update April 6

I feel like I am living a alternate reality. Am I dreaming... So the Keene hospital on their special covid line called me back this morning with a few more questions. I told her I feel better this morning and if anything more develops I give them a call back. She thought it was a good plan. I told her about not finding a thermometer anywhere. She said, "oh, the area has been out of thermometer fors a month now"...    

*Can you even imagine a scenario six months ago where we'd have a nationwide shortage of thermometers? Where do you supposed most thermometers are made? My guess China.  

***I have come down with some suspicious symptoms similar to carnivorous.  So I called the special coronavirus line at the Keene hospital. I have utterly minor symptoms. Basically the nice nurse said take two aspirin and call your doctor in the morning. She said I should be monitoring my temperature. By feel, nobody thinks I have any elevated temperature. I feel fine. So I traveled the local drug stores and supermarkets all around me looking for a thermometer. None to be found and they all say they have been out for weeks.


Saturday, April 04, 2020

Special Rules For Nuclear Plants During the Coronavirus Era

The really is, the grid load is a lot less than normal with the broad national shutdown. We don't need any nukes running at this time because the grid load is so low. It seems some nuclear plants are coronavirus hot spots. A lot of new and emerging issues with the industry, like before we make coronavirus regulations and notifications are made...the NRC will allow some bad plants to operate in a atrocious manner with a lot people out of work. Then a report will get written up or the information will get disclosed to outsiders....that a bad utility is taking a reckless chance. Then the outsiders will be outraged at the NRC. 

Something new like this, they should be writing up detailed reports on on infections, test and anything about carnivorous that effects their plants. Everything associated with overtime. The top manages should be carefully reading everything even the most insignificant events and trends. This kind of "novel" report event would be invaluable for future events.

As always, a bad plants might not have enough employees for no other reason than to save a few pennies to boost profits before this pandemic. It takes a lot of time to train certain employees. So a bad plant might be down a lot employees before virus strikes, then safety really declines for each new sick employee.
NRC to Consider COVID-19 Exemptions for Nuclear Plant Work-Hour Controls
Alternative fatigue-management controls, for example, should ensure employees do not work more than 16 work-hours in any 24-hour period and not more than 86 work-hours in any 7-day period, excluding shift turnover; a minimum 10-hour break is provided between successive work periods; 12 hour shifts are limited to not more than 14 consecutive days; and a minimum of six days off are provided in any 30-day period.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on March 28 told industry that it is prepared to grant requests from individual nuclear generators for exemptions from work-hour controls specified in its rules to help provide more flexibility to the sector as it grapples with workforce issues related to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The objective of the exemptions from Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 26.205(d)(1)-(7)) is to ensure that the “control of work hours and management of worker fatigue do not unduly limit licensee flexibility in using personnel resources to most effectively manage the impacts of the COVID-19 [public health emergency (PHE)] on maintaining the safe operation of these facilities,” NRC Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Ho Nieh wrote in letters sent to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Entergy Nuclear, and Florida Power and Light over the weekend.
Nieh wrote that the exemptions will apply narrowly—only to nuclear plants whose staffing levels are affected by the pandemic. Licensees must also show they can no longer meet the work-hour controls outlined in the rules, and they can institute site-specific administrative controls for pandemic fatigue-management for personnel as outlined in the rules....

Friday, March 27, 2020


So the corona is the upper atmosphere of the sun. In our pictures of the coronavirus, all we are seeing is the surface of the virus. Does this imply there is a huge surprise inside the coronavirus.

What does the sun mean to you? It is the source of life on this planet.  It implies what is inside the coronavirus has the power of the sun. Is it good or bad?

The Sun

Corona - Wikipedia

Coronavirus Could kill 81,000 in U.S.

I feel US Containment is really weak. We as a nation love print millions of useless words and see ourselves on TV. I think our current containment at best might turn our infection curve, but it will settle at a lower level. The lower level will still massively overwhelm hospitals and it will lengthen the time it puts unconstrained pressure on the system. It will lengthen the economic startup.         
Coronavirus could kill 81,000 in U.S., subside in June -Washington University analysis
by Reuters
Friday, 27 March 2020 00:00 GMT

ABOUT OUR HUMANITARIAN CRISES COVERAGEFrom major disaster, conflicts and under-reported stories, we shine a light on the world’s hotspots

By Carl O'Donnell

March 26 (Reuters) - The coronavirus pandemic could kill more than 81,000 people in the United States in the next four months and may not subside until June, according to a data analysis done by University of Washington School of Medicine.

The number of hospitalized patients is expected to peak nationally by the second week of April, though the peak may come later in some states. Some people could continue to die of the virus as late as July, although deaths should be below epidemic levels of 10 per day by June at the latest, according to the analysis.

The analysis, using data from governments, hospitals and other sources, predicts that the number of U.S. deaths could vary widely, ranging from as low as around 38,000 to as high as around 162,000.

The variance is due in part to disparate rates of the spread of the virus in different regions, which experts are still struggling to explain, said Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, who led the study...

Unemployment At A Staggering 3.3 Million

Bodies Are Piling Up Outside US Hospitals.

They are piling up bodies in refrigerated trailers and ice rinks. Humans are a inventive species.  

Thursday, March 26, 2020

HCP Packaging Creates Coronavirus Hot Spot In Hinsdale NH

March 27 
HCP Packaging: A world-class leader in the design, development and manufacture of primary packaging containers for the colour cosmetics, skincare, fragrance and toiletry industries. With nine manufacturing locations in Asia, North America and Europe, HCP offer a cutting-edge global manufacturing synergy for international brands.

HCP Packaging (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.#9456, Songze Avenue Qingpu Industrial Zone | Qingpu County Shanghai | 201700

USA East Coast (New Jersey)
HCP Packaging USA, Inc.
430 Mountain Avenue, Suite 402
New Providence, NJ 07974

USA East Coast (Shelton)
HCP Packaging USA, Inc.
1 Waterview Drive, Suite 102
Shelton, CT 06484
Generally the warehouses order components and plastics from all over the world. It is all mostly trucked around. HCP Hinsdale manufactures the pieces and assembles many of the packaging. They then send it back to a warehouse or directly send it to the end users. 
*Truckers Wary of New York Deliveries Create Headache for GrocersBy 
Matthew Boyle

March 26, 2020, 4:56 PM EDT

Delivering food to New York City’s supermarkets isn’t easy even in normal times. Now, it’s become a supply chain conundrum that’s testing the nerves of grocers, truckers and manufacturers alike.

Some truckers are refusing to carry orders into the city and surrounding suburbs like New Rochelle that have been hard hit by the coronavirus, even as demand for groceries is double or triple normal levels as shoppers stockpile soup and other everyday goods.

There is no evidence that food is growing scarce in the city. But one index, which measures loads of all types of goods destined for Brooklyn that were rejected by shippers, has tripled compared with the same time last year, reflecting carriers’ inability or unwillingness to haul loads into the epicenter of the outbreak.

The White House’s call for all those leaving New York City to self-quarantine for 14 days has spooked and confused some drivers, according to people monitoring shipments, while delivery curfews and requests to register “essential employees” have created additional friction. Some warehouse operators are even insisting on taking truck drivers’ temperatures as they pull into depots.
Their infection quotient to me seems really high. They got company outsiders coming in and out all the time like the people who maintain their machines. They got upper managers from this facility going all over the place and their corporate managers coming in.  They have a lot of tractor trailers with drivers coming in and out. God knows where they have been.    


So, anyways, this is me holding HCP accountable for the coronavirus hot spot they created in Hinsdale NH. Our governor is no better that Trump. He closed the state much too late. His justification for delaying the call is based on ideological considerations, not science and human safety. We are heading for an astonishing high level of infections and deaths.   

29 new COVID-19 cases reported; models show up to 50 percent NH infection rate

I probably was at HCP 1.5 hours before the governor called it.  

Thursday updates: Sununu issues stay-at-home order; Portsmouth firefighters plead for PPEs


The greater truth, it is too late. The carnivorous has been cycling around this local community for weeks. We are two or three weeks away from NYC. 

***Their car lots are full. I just went into their main office and raised my voice about how many people they have killed. How many employees they got there? This is a Chinese company. I never made a threat to anyone. I might have screamed and hollered about them killing us. I wanted to make a big scene to the front office, and I did. I wanted them to feel threaten by my fake emotional display equivalent to our national emergency and pandemic. I made certain they would call the police, and a bunch of them ran out out of the office to get a description of my car and possibly get my licence plates. I yelled my name loudly to everyone. 

I scared the crap out of them! Just like coronavirus is doing to all of us!

What side do you think cops going to be on? 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Surgeon General: This Week It's Going To Get Bad

I didn't expect that I'd be on the "Today" show for such a somber occasion. I want America to understand, this week it's going to get bad, and we really need to come together as a nation.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How Big Is This?

Are you ready for it. Italy has a population of 61 million...we have 348 million people. We are six times as large as Italy.

There are more than 23,000 coronavirus cases in the US and 295 deaths

By Shane Harris

March 21, 2020 at 9:03 p.m. EDT

Global anxiety over the coronavirus centered on Europe on Saturday, where Italy is bearing the brunt of the pandemic’s unceasing spread. Italian officials announced that 793 people had succumbed to the virus in a single day. The staggering number brought the nation’s total dead to more than 4,800, the most for a single country.

As death tolls mount across the continent, Italy has become a symbol of the enormous challenges facing public health authorities in Europe and in the United States, who are struggling to contain the virus.

Eleven days into Italy’s nationwide lockdown, which includes travel restrictions and the closure of most stores apart from groceries and pharmacies, the number of confirmed cases still soared, with 6,557 new cases since Friday. Hospitals and morgues were overwhelmed. The government has reported 53,578 total cases, concentrated in the northern part of the country.

Italy’s struggle to keep up with the virus offered a glimpse into what U.S. health officials fear could be ahead in New York and elsewhere: shortages of respirators, basic medical equipment and beds in intensive-care units.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Highway and Streets Empty Surrounding Hinsdale NH

Took a trip to Greenfield Ma last night at around 6 PM. The roads were empty with just a few cars. Never seen anything like it in my life. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

$13 Dollar A Megawatt Electricity Indicates Our Grid And The Utilities Are Under Stress

March 20

$11 dollar today. It is 7 am and we are at the peak load time of the day historically 

*If we have very little load on the grid for six months, what are the about a year and a half?

All Advertisements On the TV Stations, Radios and Cables Should Be Suspended For The Duration

It is a war to mobilize our and we are in a grave nation emergency. We should repetitively fill up the empty spaces with
I give you an example. We could endlessly humiliate the behavior of our children on the beeches of Florida. We could fill up all the advertisement space in the vicinity of these beeches with warnings and generational humiliation. Let not forget about Facebook and the other social media. Talk tough to them and talk about death all the time. It could be the example for the nation!    
coronavirus information and public service notifications. We should mobilized the ad infrastructure to product public service information, notification and best advice.

What more could symbolize are dire war stance than to remove these worthless advertisement from our radios, social media, cable, TV stations and networks in the greater service to our to our nation. 80% of the advertisements should come from the USA government! 

Social Distancing: Brattleboro Are Killing Their Children and Elderly !

Assistant principals James Flynn and Erin Lyons-Barton, left, help distribute food to Meriden, Conn. students at Maloney High School on Tuesday.

Which one of these kids and adults won't be here next year!!!

You get it, nobody had the guts to put a end of it and tell management. We are all thoughtless robots!!!

Brattleboro has always had been intentional ignorant people. They are destabilizing their fragile hospital. The good news, there is going at lot less of them and their children in a year. Where the fuck is school management? We are seeing deaths and the collapse of economies all over the these ignorant people have cable. Oh, this is going to a hot spot in the near future. We need the military to come in and completely isolate Brattleboro because they can't even protect their children. One mistake like this can and will say 50 people. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic: The Best Outcome

U.S. Virus Plan Anticipates 18-Month Pandemic and Widespread Shortages

The 100-page federal plan laid out a grim prognosis and outlined a response that would activate agencies across the government.

WASHINGTON — A federal government plan to combat the coronavirus warned policymakers last week that a pandemic “will last 18 months or longer” and could include “multiple waves,” resulting in widespread shortages that would strain consumers and the nation’s health care system.

“Shortages of products may occur, impacting health care, emergency services, and other elements of critical infrastructure,” the plan warned. “This includes potentially critical shortages of diagnostics, medical supplies (including PPE and pharmaceuticals), and staffing in some locations.” P.P.E. refers to personal protective equipment.

The plan continued: “State and local governments, as well as critical infrastructure and communications channels, will be stressed and potentially less reliable. These stresses may also increase the challenges of getting updated messages and coordinating guidance to these jurisdictions directly.”

Seventy Percent of Keene's Population Unemployed In A Month

It is going to last until the end of the year. When is the city of Keene going bankrupt?

Why Isn't Our NH Governor Interested In The Capabilities Of Our Hospitals

Why Isn't Our NH Governor Interested In The Capabilities Of Out Hospital