Thursday, March 05, 2020

When Are Our Courts Going Be Overwhelmed by Coronavirus

Update March 12

N.H. Superior Courts cancelling trials for 30 days due to coronavirus

Update March 7

US federal court operations altered by the coronavirus

From CNN's Ariane de Vogue and Kevin Bohn

The coronavirus is impacting the operations of some federal courts across the US.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which hears cases from nine western states including Washington, as well as a district court in Washington state, which has seen at least 80 cases, have altered some of the procedures as the virus continues to spread.

The appeals court, which has four courthouses including one in Seattle, said it is cancelling all hearings involving multiple judges as well as non-case related meetings, scheduled for next week.

The court said in an order posted online it was taking this measure “in light of the concerns about community spread of the COVID-19 virus throughout” the region covered by it.

All scheduled oral arguments in all locations will go forward, the court said.

“Counsel who wish to appear remotely for any hearing may file a motion in that case for such relief,” the court said.

***So when are we going to get to the point of the missing court employees overwhelming the courts?

On a Pandemic level event, can you just imagine the scale of legal suits? 

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