Thursday, March 05, 2020

Coronavirus Fatality Rate

Everyone thinks the fatality rate is much lower because we yet can't count how many are infected. I think everyone is " not" counting the dead because this would emediately crater the world's  financial system and put hundreds of million people out of work.

There is no doubt in my mind we are heading for a world wide financial freeze up worst than the great recession of 2008.  My guess its going to be a depression. The 50 point fed decline in interest rate I contend is a result of the rising tsunami tide of bankruptcies based on the all the economic damage caused the virus. The world's financial system was never stress tested for the scale of this economic devastation.  

You got to know after all this horror rolls across our eyeballs, our consumer sentiment is going to tank. Consumer spending makes up to 70% of our economy.  

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