Thursday, October 11, 2018

PSIG Says Salem 1, 2 and Hope Creek Are Gonners In Three Years

You can't tell me they are not throttling money to this plants already. Is not replacing the Safety Relief Valves at Hope Creek a function of a business decision surrounding the long term problems with the safety critical SRVs? These guy's stock price have had a nice increase since 2008. 
ATLANTIC CITY _ Public Service Enterprise Group will apply to the state for ratepayer  subsidies for all three of its Salem County nuclear plants, the last ones operating in the state, a representative said Wednesday.
Joseph F. Accardo Jr., deputy general counsel and chief regulatory officer for PSEG, said the company's detailed financial records will show that Hope Creek, Salem 1 and Salem 2 nuclear power plants will close within three years without the subsidies. They are licensed through 2036, 2040 and 2046, according to the company...

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