Friday, October 05, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh: It Would Be In The Greater Interest Of The Nation If He Went To The Supreme Court

Update Oct 6

Didn't Collins say something about innocent until proven guilty?
Is that a right wing thingy??
It wasn't a court or legal preceding? It was a job interview. What standards would serve this particular problem.  Like I said, she was spinning a lot of illogical rationalizations in her speech. The democrats was just as bad.

You are a smart guy. The system, this isn't an issue of sexual assault between three of four people, the police, courts and lawyers. We are talking large scale outcomes of a nation and planetary issues. The system here is almost an incomprehensively complex system. You could get a small signal into  the system and nonlinear response could be the results. I believe the human mind can only get insight to the system. A healthy, well educated and seasoned who can create a decent model of the  current world in his head. That gains control of a system like this. Tremendous flows of resources, money and human capital including reputation are involved here. Only a the human imagination can begin to understand what is going on here. Certainly not me, but I'll take a stab at it. We are at a precipice here. A tremendous amount of energy has been piling up for decades. We are setting ourselves for a cascade accident, a snowball rolling down a hill

How do you think this thing is going to end? Doesn't this really sound like us today? What happens if  trumps gets charged with a grand conspiracies and much lawlessness? I think a election is going to exacerbate our perilous condition? Trump's newest speech was more radical tonight than anything he ever said before....

We are so fragile (butterfly effect), a flap of a butterfly's wing an ocean and continent away could lead to the ruin of our nation. A black swan event...

So I am not really not interested in the guilt or innocent of two kids on the outskirts Washington DC 40 years ago. All I am interested in is the unbelievable fragility we are in right now. It seemly snuck up on a sleeping America...  

How WW 1 started?    

"At first it all seemed very far away. The possibility of a Great War engulfing Europe had not become a reality since the terrifying days of the Napoleonic Wars. But it did not begin due to failure of diplomacy. The reasons for the beginning of World War One all start with a wrong turn taken on a road in Sarajevo.
On 28 June 1914 the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Countess Sophie, were assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia. It was the couple’s fourteenth wedding anniversary. They were utterly devoted; indeed it sometimes seemed Sophie was Ferdinand’s only friend. Politically liberal and personally difficult, Ferdinand had married against the wishes of his uncle, Austria’s emperor Franz Joseph. As a result, his children were removed from any right to succession, but he was still next in line to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
An empire it surely was, even if its welter of nationalities were only tenuously welded together. Ferdinand was an Austrian, skeptical of Hungarians, married to a Czech, and inclined to be indulgent with Croats and Serbs. His reputation for liberalism—in what was a tolerant, cosmopolitan, fatalistic, conservative-reactionary empire, which regarded itself, in the famous Viennese phrase, as being in a situation that was hopeless but not serious—came largely from his support for expanding the dual monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire into a tripartite monarchy that would have given greater autonomy to the Slavs.
It was not a popular position. Austrian hardliners saw no reason for change, Hungarians feared it would lessen their influence, and Slavic nationalists did not want their people reconciled to Austrian rule; they wanted violence, bloodshed, and nationalist revolution. On 28 June 1914, one of their number—Gavrilo Princip, a tubercular student, an atheist in a famously Catholic if multireligious empire, and a member of the Black Hand, a Serbian terrorist movement—committed the murders that eventually created an independent Yugoslavia, all at the cost of a cataclysmic world war.
What started World War 1 began with one death. It ended with 17 million more dead.

***If you were really in the Trump and the monied elites' resistance, you would want him to become a justice. The Dems just seem too weak  to me now and they are really advocating for milder rendition of trump's monied elites. This is how all politicians get elected today.

I personally think If Bret gets in, it will jet fuel the med terms...the blue wave will be bigger. The hyper extreme right wing supreme court would be the thorn for the next 30 years. If bigger dems rise to top...the resistance would be more widespread. Maybe the next election the dems would hold the house, senate and presidency. But the wet noodle dems always disappoints me with the weak reactionary counter policies of the last republican hoodlums in the neighborhoods.

So if bret gets in, we would really be throwing more gasoline into the burn pit. When the resistance finally creates the spark to light up the burn pit, it will be unstoppable. Maybe we will impeach all the republican justices. Maybe then the real resistance will here for decades or more.

What do you think created the instability of the horrific 1960s and 1970. I think all that national instability was caused by massive US development, industrializion, technical and science advancement. It created the opportunity of deeper educational opportunities. The poor and middle class then became aware through education how bad we were getting screwed.

Then after all this chaos, the elites began draining monies from the poor and middle class, really everyone though Nixon's china opening and the de-manufacturing...creating the rust belts throughout our nation today.

So what will our future 1960s and 1970s look like? How will we know when it starts... To me it will look like horrific top level political and business chaos.

As far as the weak noddle Dems, after the Merrick Brian Garland debacle and Trump's lying election...all brought to you by the weak Obama Dems...the House and Senate Democrats should have refuse to precipitate...refuse to vote or be active in any senate and house activity. I do this as protest. The system is still rigged....    


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