Friday, May 27, 2016

Hinsdale, NH/Brattleboro, Vt Gets New Route 119 Bridge

Update 5/28

I am disappointed the local newspapers didn't write up a story about the bridge getting past the NH House and Senate.

***If we name it the "Mike Mulligan Memorial Bridge" (or something), I'll promise I will use the attention to shine a light over our dangerous national transportation infrastructure problems. You people own me $1500 dollars in court cost and fines!

Here is me holding a hunk of rust from the bridge. I love this youtube of me:   

You see the irony here, "the teabagger I hate the government state of New Hampshire" is using federal funding for their state roads. Basically underfund state government, then get the feds to pay your bills, all the while on the way to the bank bad mouthing government is the root of all our society's problems.

What is this, about a $40 million dollar bridge?     
May 26. 2016 11:46PM State highway improvement plan approved
State House Bureau

CONCORD — House and Senate negotiators agreed Thursday on the nearly $4 billion, 10-year highway plan that includes money to pave a fourth lane for both barrels of Interstate 93 between Manchester and Salem, but nothing for commuter rail.

House Bill 2016 would use Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles (GARVE) bonds to fund two bridge projects over the Connecticut River,
the Route 119 bridge between Hinsdale and Brattleboro, Vt., and the I-89 bridge between Lebanon and White River Junction, Vt
This is the real story about getting our new bridge. I was dressed up as a angel with a halo on my head as a attention seeking device for years, as I was protesting to get this new bridge. Ouch: it was painful at times. I had a lot of fun with bridge protesting until the police got involved with me.

The big picture of the Hinsdale police involvement with me is they were doing their job and they were decent to me. I was very disappointed with the District courts. The court system reminded me of NH roads and bridge funding problem, basically underfunded and a poor system. My day of arrangement, the collage kids had a party and about a hundred of them got arrested. They are all in court on my arrangement day. It was chaos in there. I got confused with the clerk's instruction, as did most everyone else. I left before they officially arranged me. You would think they would give me a call to finish it. Two days later, I called the prosecutor to see how much information they could give me. The secretary said we got a warrant out on you and the police are trying to arrest you. I said ok, I will go to the police station. Is there anyway we can take care of this between me and you. She said wait a second. She came back saying you promise to show up in court next Monday, fine I said. I'll be there. She then told me the warrant has been lifted.

On a Friday early evening, a Hinsdale cop came to the door saying I here to arrest you. They wanted me in jail over the weekend as punishment for embarrassing the town. He showed me the warrant. I told cop the warrant is no good with a smirk. The cop laughed at me saying, you think I haven't heard that before this. If I had my wits on me, I should have just seen how far I could get into the jail intake process with a bad warrant. It would have been a great newspaper article. The cop told me he never seen a bad...rescinded-warrant in his career I explained what happened in court and I had talked to the prosecutor. He gave the courts a call, they told him I have no outstanding warrants. The cop was shocked with that. He kept saying, "I was going to arrest a guy on a bad warrant" over and over again. This cop was a good guy. He explained they received the warrant on Wednesday, they just got around to make the arrest. That is my grounds for the chief engineered the timing to hurt me the most. It is an old police trick to punish somebody outside the courts. The stupid police never made a final check to see if the warrant was still good. When you get into the district court system, its like you entered a undecipherable black hole. It is unbelievable the power of the cops and courts have to force you to settle any case.

I visited  the court three times, for hours at time, in the months before the arrangement. The court is a really interesting place. They are way more interesting than any tv program. I wanted to reduce my nervousness for the arrangement day. It didn't work.               
Brattleboro Reformer Clears The Air Over Court Plea by "Angel Guy"
The front page of this below article has a picture of me with a halo on my head. I always got a halo around my head, but most times you can't see it.  At this point with The Commons story, it was very iffy we would get a new bridge in the next fifty years. NH is a terrible state because government is severely underfunded. I will make case, systemically the state police and the local police are severely underfunded and screaming for more training.  We had come to this point of the process many times in the past with the bridge and the proposed new bridge was later thrown overboard in the later stages of the legislative process.    
A Cause For Concern 
Self-appointed “bridge angel” and whistleblower Michael Mulligan of Hinsdale, replete with a handmade halo, held pieces of rusted bridge above his head and proclaimed the bridges unsafe. 
“How do we really know these bridges are going to last another 50 years?” he said.  
Mulligan also asserted that the New Hampshire government had “falsified” documents regarding the bridges’ safety, were “baloneying the people,” and could not be trusted.
“You cannot trust the state to do an inspection,” Mulligan said. 
The two existing Pennsylvania truss bridges, the Charles Dana and Anna Hunt Marsh, were erected in 1920, and were upgraded in 1988, according to bridge inspection reports.
"That is inaccurate. About 8 pm I completed making safe the walkway on the Charles Dana Bridge. I had put up substantial safety barriers, the Hinsdale police approved my barriers by putting up police tape without restructuring my the barrier to make it more safer. To document my activities, I called 911 before 9 pm. I reported the condition of the bridge and what I did...they directed the call to a Hinsdale police officer. I notified him what I did, he assured me a policeman was on the scene. He told me Hinsdale police department was overloaded...but the Brattleboro police were on scene and doing an investigation...
I made sure within an hour of my activities at bridge the site was investigated for safety’s sake by the police and they had approved my safety barriers."
Another irony here is we are getting a new bridge and new owners of the Brattleboro Reformer newspaper at about the same timeframe. It is the same old bridge on the Connecticut river and still the same old dysfunctional newspaper today.  

My poor wife and family having to tolerate a guy like me :)

Going to jail humor:  
The MTA song. 
(The Kingston Trio) The MJM song.

Let me tell you the story
Of a man named Mike
On a tragic and fateful day
He pulled up ten boards on a bridge
Kissed his wife and family
Went to ride on his bike.
Or else he'll never return,
No he'll never return
And his fate will be unlearned
He may ride forever
On the streets of Hinsdale
He's the man
(Who's the man)He's the man (Oh, the man)He's the man who never returned
Tell you the truth, the new Brattleboro Williams Street I 91 new bridge project (exit 2) took me about 6 years to complete. I had taken horrible pictures of the bridge concrete piers. They had cancer on them. They built a temporary iron beam structure around the dangerous concrete piers. The temporary beams through neglect were rusted through. I had some really beautiful ugly pictures, if you know what I mean. I had extensively investigated, during a snow storm, a simi tractor trailer lost control on the bridge and slid right through the bridge tinfoil railing falling 30 feet to his death. The William Street I 91 Daddy killer bridge as I called it. I was once a truck driver. The bridge was built defective and unsafe from the get go in the early 1960s. The whole deal of how the USA developed our roads and interstate highway system is tremendously fascinating and interesting to me. Through this accident on the interstate bridge, I vowed over this, I would replace the bridge. So I pictured up this beautiful ugly ugly bridge and began a campaign with Vermont DOT officials to make their lives miserable.

I tell further on the big picture, when are we ever going to get the mega newspapers/media conglomerates on our side? When are they going to start fighting for the little people? When are they going to speak for the little people's interest. The news media in all their forms, is really a humongous societal infrastructure system. It wholly supports all of the living. As with our roads and highways, we can't live without a healthy news media interstate infrastructure system. We got obsolete, damaged and unsafe bridges and roads sprinkled all over our interstate news media infrastructure system.   

By the way, if I was president and being confronted by a early Afghanistan/Iraq issue, here is how I would handle it. I'd build a vast highway interstate system under military gunpoint in the targeted country. It would be my highest priority. We'd be a nation of road builders world wide. That is how you do efficient nation building. My primary military weapon would be building highways and societal interconnections. I stuff it down their throats by gunpoint. It would be my hydrogen bomb. I would wipe out anyone trying to stop and slow me down.          

The Hinsdale/Brattleboro route 119 new bridge took me a little longer and I had to work much harder for it. We are only talking about a combined $80 million dollar project. Do a search of me on Ibrat? The I 91 Daddy killer bridge.

Big picture, it is easier than you think getting a dangerous bridge replaced with our highly vulnerable politicians and state bureaucrats and our amazing connectivity. it is a really cheap project money wise. It is a multiyear project. You have to stay focused on your project and keep hounding everyone. Think of out of the box attention getting strategies. You have to choke down all the time the thought you are just a little guy and nothing ever changes. It is almost like a special insanity. You have to go contrary to the instinctual thoughts spinning in your head that nothing matters and you know you are so powerless. You have been powerless all you life, what makes you think this time anything will be different.

You just have to become comfortable with idea that numerous people in you community (and family) are going to tell you are a whack job and have a serous mental illness. Some people say it with a wide open smile and others are dead serous and screaming it at you. Boy, people telling you or the fear of a group people believing you have a serous mental illness, what a horrible stigma the label mental illness has on you. Out of this whole deal, that is the gift god gave me. I really don't care what anyone thinks about my mental status. You haven't completely disconnected me from the world yet. I would intently listen to anyone who approach me in a nice way, saying this is why I think you have mental issue. Nobody in my immediate family thinks I have a serous mental issue or have abnormal relationship issues, but he clearly does have his "issues". Big issues. Just like all the rest of us. My family all know me as a caring and loving person, but I am off a little bit. Weird on some issues. I work very hard to make this persona.

As a note, we don't allow guns in our house. I worked very hard over the years to notify the police I don't own guns. Especially when you get them pissed at you and are involved in a action that embarrasses the community. Guns are ok for the police and military, but I think anyone who owns a gun in the USA is basically a coward. Gun owners are all little people who need a gun to think they are powerful people. You see what I am saying, whistleblowers always have the issues of you might be violent, be a extreme right winger with a boat load of guns and under a severe mental illness swirling all around their lives. All the cops first think that. You have to really work hard on the police with showing them you got something going on upstairs and you are going to be non violent towards them.  We are constantly confronted with these issues over their lives. Be in the shadows of wondering if something mental is wrong with you. I am pretty sure I can handle a host of difficult situations in my life today, can see when I am starting to become unraveled. I know my emotional life a lot better now than when I started. The whole painful and playful deal has moved me better towards a more enlighten position. If I had money and real power I'd be hell on wheels:)

Remember, we never die: we just change energy forms. I think we live many lives and are just in the middle of this process. I think we got filaments of all our past and future lives embedded in our spirits and DNA. Science backs me up on my interpretation. How many universes are there? Science says an infinite amount and dimensions...they are all going on simultaneously. They say time isn't sequential...our interpretation of time is a god given illusion. The scientist say all of time everywhere occurs simultaneously. Mass just gives us the illusion time happens sequentially microsecond by microsecond. 
I think earth is really a training planet. More people call our planet a prison. I think reality is preparing us for something bigger. Because of this, I think we should savior every second we got on planet earth. Every breath! Earth is God's individual training program and he has got big plans for all of us in future. Or I could just be garden variety nuts like most think I am.     
Me on a youtube vedio: it is harder than you think to portray a issue on video. He interviewed me off the cuff on his cell phone. I thought he was approaching me to panhandle me.    

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