Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant Spirit

Remember Fitz was heading into a strike before the shutdown announcement.
When A Strike is a Possibility at a Plant 
Nov 4, 2015 
"Unionized workers at the James A. FitzPatrick nuclear power plant in Oswego, N.Y. recently voted to accept a new contract days before the current pact was to expire. The union representing operations, maintenance and radiation protection staff and Entergy, the company that owns the plant, reached a new four-year agreement."
Entergy's Four Platforms 
Eric Wilczynski:
"The Companies Four Platforms uses buzz words like Trust, Honesty, FAIRNESS, and Integrity. Let me reiterate Trust, Honesty, FAIRNESS, and Integrity. Prove to me that these or more than just words on a motivational poster, prove to me these are words in which you live and lead by." 
The thing is,CEO Denault is more held hostage to the system as the mechanical knuckle draggers.  

I'll bet you have the reason why the plant is closing is Entergy feels they are losing control of their bottom half employees.

Go Union! Vermont Yankee and Pilgrim are heading into the sun without a whimper.

FitzPatrick nuclear worker tells well-paid Entergy CEO: Show us 'fairness'

Entergy Corp. CEO Leo Denault met with workers Friday at the FitzPatrick nuclear plant in Scriba. During a question-and-answer session, one worker implored Denault to show "good corporate citizenship'' in his treatment of plant employees whose lives will be disrupted when the plant closes. (Stephen D. Cannerelli )
Tim Knauss | By Tim Knauss | The Post-Standard
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on December 21, 2015 at 10:50 AM, updated December 21, 2015 at 11:48 AM
SCRIBA, N.Y. – When the CEO of Entergy Corp. visited FitzPatrick nuclear plant Friday to talk with 600 employees about closing the facility, one of the workers drew attention to the executive's hefty compensation while asking him to be fair to the rank-and-file. 
Eric Wilczynski, a veteran employee, got a raucous standing ovation after he delivered a speech imploring Leo Denault to "show good corporate citizenship'' in his treatment of workers who will lose jobs at the plant, according to people who attended the all-hands staff meeting. 
During a question-and-answer session, Wilczynski, a chief mechanical maintenance technician who has worked at FitzPatrick for 25 years, rose from his seat and walked to the front of the room to stand next to Denault. 

Wilczynski noted that Denault, who earned $11.8 million in salary and other compensation last year, has a golden parachute that provides him a handsome retirement should his employment end. But FitzPatrick union workers who will be forced out when the plant closes will suffer a hit to their pensions if they transfer to any but one of the other Entergy nuclear plants, because of a technicality in the union contract. 
Wilczynski asked Denault to amend Entergy's policy for FitzPatrick workers. 

"Prove to the families that our compensation, pensions, and futures are as secure as yours,'' he said. 

Denault shook his hand after the speech and thanked him for raising the issue, Wilczynski said. His fellow plant workers stood and applauded. Throughout the day, they showered him with congratulatory texts and emails. 
In addition to the pension issue, Wilczynski asked Denault the question that has plagued FitzPatrick employees since September, when the company first hinted that the plant might close. What, Wilczynski demanded, would it have taken to keep FitzPatrick open? 
Denault declined to answer that question, employees said. Entergy officials have consistently said their talks with New York state officials about the possibility of keeping FitzPatrick open were confidential. Denault did say Friday that the state's proposed "clean energy standard'' did not include a promise of financial subsidies specifically for FitzPatrick. 

Here is the text of Wilczynski's speech. His employee ID number has been deleted for security reasons. 

I am employee ID . . . . I know my name and face is irrelevant in the big scheme of things within the corporate paradigm. As much as I dislike or not agree with the decision made to close down FitzPatrick, this is not why I stand before you here today. I will not question how or why that decision was reached, nor the manner in which you chose to battle our state. You have told New York State politicians to "stop trying" because obviously Entergy has. 
I am here to hopefully provide you with awareness and possible solutions. I know that if I am going to present a problem I need to also include some options for resolution.
In 2014 you were reported to make 11.8 million dollars in salary, option awards, stocks, and incentive plan compensations. All of which are "significantly more" than the average public executive. Out of 16,000 public executives, you are ranked in the top 1 percentile in total annual compensation. To put this in perspective, you make $1,349.00 an hour. At my base rate I would have to work 121 years to make what you earn in one year. 

Don't get me wrong; what you're paid is no concern of mine. It is rather impressive in the way you negotiated your "golden parachute," setting up for retirement and securities for you, your family, and their families to follow. It is obvious you know and value the importance of a retirement and pension plan.
I am one of many members of the Entergy team who has worked to successfully execute your mission and vision to earn you your millions. I am asking you to put the same rigor into our retirement and pension plans by allowing them to carry with us to whatever Entergy site we are relocated to. 
When the announcement was made that FitzPatrick would not refuel, we were informed that Entergy would do everything in their power to place employees within the fleet, should we elect to stay within the company. However, here is the
Yea, everyone will have a job with Entergy if they want one according to our policy is the public relation theme. The rulesy game. Then you look up the rules and almost nobody gets a job. Who the hell wants these guys with a attitude like Wilczynski?
"PROBLEM": Based on current company policy, the only Entergy site which will allow pension credits for bargaining unit employees to be carried over is Indian Point. As we all know, the future of Indian Point is questionable, at best. This is a significant limiting factor in the placement for union workers, which represent a large part of the company's workforce. 
As I stated earlier, we here at Fitzpatrick do not bring problems to the table without offering viable solutions: 

Solution 1: Allowing retirement and pension plans to carry with us to whatever Entergy site we are relocated to. 
Solution 2: Entergy owns TLG Services Inc. (a decommissioning company). Assuming they are going to be the
***I do know some rather young people are hanging around moving fuel at Vermont Yankee until retirement.  
company to do our decommissioning, give our employees and their earned pensions the opportunity to stay here with their families and transfer over to TLG. 
The Companies Four Platforms uses buzz words like Trust, Honesty, FAIRNESS, and Integrity. Let me reiterate Trust, Honesty, FAIRNESS, and Integrity. Prove to me that these or more than just words on a motivational poster, prove to me these are words in which you live and lead by. 
You are in a leadership position as chairman of the board and CEO of Entergy. The words "Leadership" and "Leader" are not always synonymous with one another; show us that's not the case here. 
You have many resources at your disposal, and are in a position to influence and approve our pensions, and allow our credited service years to carry over to the other Entergy sites. 
I am employee ID . . . My name is Eric Wilczynski, a member of the Fitzpatrick family since 1992. You now have a name to put with the face. Prove to us we are more than an employee with an ID number. Prove to the families that our compensation, pensions, and futures are as secure as yours. Mr. Denault, we have proven to you our commitment in over 11.8 million ways. 
In closure I have two questions for you, Mr. Denault: 

Question 1: I'm asking you, given the current situation, will you embrace good corporate citizenship by putting the same rigor into our retirement and pension plans, allowing them to carry with us to whatever Entergy site we are relocated to. 
Question 2: It's my understanding that more money was put on the table through the Clean Energy (Standard) that would've DIRECTLY helped the Fitzpatrick plant, and Entergy turned it down. Why? And, what EXACTLY was needed by Entergy to keep this plant open? 

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