Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Relevant Generial Nuclear Industry Comment

A couple weeks ago you asked me for my opinion of root of plant problems, and I mention plant management and greed.

It dawned on me of another problem

With all the top down decision making, 10 + 10 = 100, just sign here or else,

I am thinking a lot of good technical people are probably not projecting working at the same place for 40 years and retiring.  Having good people stay for 40 years gives a lot of continuity and tribal knowledge, lessons learned etc.

If they are all planning an exit strategy, they do not care.  No need for attention to detail and accountability.  They will be gone and someone else will have to pick up the pieces.

So management comes around wanting you to sign this 10 + 10 = 100, sure, no problem.  I am planning on leaving in a month to a new job, it will take 3 months before anyone realizes the 100 is wrong.

Accountability and responsibility

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