Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sending a Messages to Entergy's Corporate Headquarter ?

Basically this is Entergy territory.  New Orleans is the corporate home of Entergy and I imagine they have total control of Louisiana. We are in the heart of the wacko religious right wing Gov Jendal territory. Not doubt the petroleum industry and Entergy controls all the news outlets. What the hell, I was talking a shot at it. I bet you the newspapers notified them of the River Bend and Mike Mulligan issue. 

I was trying to remind Entergy they got more than Pilgrim problems. Playing River Bend against Pilgrim...the New England nukes off the Louisianan fleet? 

Check out the dates? I never got a response from either of these guys.

Did this play any role with Entergy announcing the possible shutdown of Pilgrim?       

New Orleans: "The Times-Picayune"
***From Mike Mulligan
Sep 11 at 8:41 PM 

Here is a greater truth than the NRC's happyland truth.

I made a allegation/complaint about this trip...the special inspection was a result of my complaint. It took that to get the NRC off their lazy ass. I am one of a handful of outside people in the USA who ever initiated a special inspection at a nuclear plant, and the NRC admitted it. I am even a much rarer breed as this cascaded into two special inspections. I had help from River Bend insiders employees. The employees feel too intimidated to raise issues with the NRC or Entergy. There was a ton of broken or degraded equipment to show up in that trip. It occurred over and over again without correction.

River Bend and the Waterford nuclear plants are very troubled facilities.

I am a respected whistleblower and nuclear power plant safety advocate. I work closely with the NRC over many issues.

I write up everything on my blog: 
"NRC: Proof I Instigated The 2014 Christmas River Bend plant Scram Special Inspection"

Now you know the whole truth.


Mike Mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

***From: Mike Mulligan
Sep 13 at 8:30 PM  
It speaks a lot when you asked for the simulator picture, they didn’t make back flips trying to schedule you for a trip into a simulator demonstration. Why are they so fixated on destructive secrecy? They should be proud to show the simulator it off. My guess is the simulator is obsolete and if they modeled the plant in detail it would slow down or freeze the scenario.
Remember the NRC dinged River Bend in 2005 about simulator fidelity issues. I talked the senior inspector about this 2005 violation within weeks after the Christmas trip. I told the inspector I thought there were simulator fidelity issues in the 2014 Christmas scam. The NRC inspectors were terrified and they knew employees were talking to me. I said the simulator was degraded in 2005, why didn’t the NRC completely clear this out in 2005? And keep it cleared out. Why doesn’t these big nuclear utilities tremble in absolute fear when the NRC says boo?  
The NTSB demands airplane cockpit videos and voice recording. It is a wonderful training opportunity. Increasingly the NTSB is requiring accident and full time video and voice recordings in all trains. Why isn’t it required in the control rooms of all nuclear power plants? The police departments throughout the nation are beginning to use small cameras and voice full time on all cops and in their police cars. Can you imagine if the NRC was forced by policy to release the video recording of the control room on their bungled Christmas scram? You would have been horrified by what you saw on and during the Christmas wouldn't have to be a expert to interpret it. It would have deeply transformed Entergy and the industry for the better. That is how powerful these guys are (transparency). Don’t go looking for that nuclear plant accident video recording…the industry agreed decades ago to never install video recorder in any US control room because it is such a powerful public tool

***From: Mike Mulligan
Sep 13 at 8:45 PM  
You get what is going on here, we are overly dependent on the NRC’s and licensees interpretation of what went on in the control room or events in the plant. There is self-interest and protection going on here. An objective democratic video and voice recording of say the River Bend Christmas scram would allow the multitudes to make up their minds on the competence of the NRC and Entergy.    
This was written for you: 

Baton Rouge: "The Advocate"
***From: Michael Mulligan
Sep 15 at 9:23 AM 
I made a allegation/complaint about this trip...the special inspection was a result of my complaint.  I am one of a handful of outside people in the USA who ever initiated a special inspection at a nuclear plant, and the NRC admitted it. I am even a much rarer breed as this cascaded into two special inspections. I had help from River Bend insiders employees. The employees feel too intimidated to raise issues with the NRC or Entergy. There was a ton of broken or degraded equipment to show up in that trip. It occurred over and over again without correction.

River Bend and the Waterford nuclear plants are very troubled facilities.

I am a respected whistleblower and nuclear power plant safety advocate. I work closely with the NRC over many issues.

I write up everything on my blog:

"NRC: Proof I Instigated The 2014 Christmas River Bend plant Scram Special Inspection"

Now you know the whole truth.


Mike Mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

***From Mike Mulligan
Sep 15 at 9:52 PM  

The exact some problem I face when I first seen the River Bend Christmas scram. It stands way outside how much troubles Entergy is having with their nuclear Fleet. They are just not spending enough money on the fleet.
In the good old days the NRC used their rules and policies to control the bad actors in the industry. In the recent decades, all the new rules and policies are aimed at controlling and limiting the local NRC inspectors.

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