Wednesday, February 17, 2016

River Bend: NRC's Allegation Employee Mrs. Weaver Intentionally Blew Me Off

Reposted from 9/14/2015
I asked this senior Allegations employee...How old is the River Bend simulator. He told that information is protected, I can't tell you it. 
It's so silly... 
I hate the NRC Allegation department. They are too secrecy oriented and this effectively makes them gods unto themselves. They get to interpret the outsider allegations and the rules and regulations without adequate public oversight. I don't think they are properly overseen by senior management ever. Does the Allegation department meet the greater needs of the people who have unaddressed concerns and allegations or do they protect the NRC and licensees?
My choices with River Bend were to make a NRC allegation or directly talking to the residents. Outsiders have little influence with either these guys. I hate the arrogant Allegation department, with that in mind, I called the NRC River Bend resident. I hoped I could get the residents nervous with insider information, the inspectors would have a lot more credibility with Allegations. I was hoping from before the telephone call I could flip this into a special inspection. I had no chance talking to the allegation department flipped my concerns into a special inspection. 
I would consider the allegation department as having a infinite set of rules and regulation. All these rules and regulations get to be interpreted in a secretive agency process...effectively they get to deposition a allegation on a group and individual whim. Most allegations are flushed down the toilet by NRC design.  
So I am trying to get a little street cred over this and notify the industry that outsiders are watching.
1) From: Mike Mulligan
Sep 11 at 1:08 PM
Mrs. Weaver,
“NRC: Proof I Instigated The 2014 Christmas River Bend plant Scram Special Inspection”
I thought I made a request to the NRC to place my River Bend allegation closeout letter on the River Bend docket. I recently searched for it and couldn’t find it. Why do I feel the NRC understood my request, but decided to silently blow me off without an explanation? I thought the NRC would be fair and decent enough to at least give me an  written explanation why you won’t put my NRC allegation closeout letter on the docket. I just think there is an unseen agenda with the NRC, why this is not on Adams. It could also be a harmless oversight and I am paranoid?
What is the harm, it is already on the internet? I am a transparency freak and I think the world runs better with everything placed on the table where everyone can see it.  

Mike Mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

2) From: Mike Mulligan
Sep 11 at 2:28 PM
Mrs. Weaver,

Here is my request sent to R4ALLEGATION REOURCE.

From: Mike Mulligan 
Jul 23
Mrs. Weaver,

Holy Crap. I am so surprised with this letter.

I request the NRC closure letter be placed on the River Bend Docket.

Could I discuss this with you say sometime next week or at your convenience?    
Thank You,

Mike Mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

These is no doubt Mrs. Weaver read and understood my request to put the NRC closeout letter on the docket. She chose to not answer this and make believe she didn't see it. I am in a special category ... the special inspection was initiated on my request. She could have respected me, answered my question, she could have explained why it is not possible. She knew this would be she just buried it. 
My problem now, is worrying this is what the allegation department does across the board. The Allegation departmental gets into a controversial problem...the agency finds a way to bury it or make believe they didn't even see the concern.  

The senior allegation inspector gave me a call today telling me putting my closeout letter on the docket was against NRC policy. They should have done that on my first request..

This wasn't a open discussion hashing out the problem, it was god has spoken and there is no way to contest it. I am the god, just accept it. 

He said the the agency feels placing it on the docket would chill other employees from reporting problems to the NRC. Does the agency have any open analysis how this might occur or evidence it is a threat? Why didn't the agency withhold the result of my allegation as this might chill all the rest of the nuclear employees. 

This is what I mean by they are the gods. You can't create a open discussion if the chilling was valid. The NRC is great with mitigation...could they do something to mitigate the possible chilling effect? They could put a notification on top of close out letter...we put closeout letters on the docket strictly on the choice of the confidential concern maker. We would never release anything about alleger unless he positively requested it. I might make the case in a recent Millstone OI investigation and violation on 10 CFR 50.59 issues, a senior NRC official disclose to me it came from a Millstone alleger...came from the allegation program.
I asked the senior allegation department employee if he could memorize this conversation and put it on the docket. Could you give me a response to my request in writing? They ARE worried about seeing their written response on my blog. This guy knows their River Bend written closeout is up on my blog.  
I asked him could I talk to your boss about this problem. Could he call me...he said that won't be possible.
He reminded me there is the OIG. I consider the OIG as corrupt and most allegations vanishes in their black hole never to be seen again. So does the main line NRC troops tell the public you can make a complaint to the OIG knowing the complaint will vanish in the OIG cesspool. That is the little trick of the NRC, public concerns about the agency never goes up the management line for disposition and deeper discussions. They use the OIG to just disappear concerns about the agency. Certainly the licensees don't have this problem. 

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