Monday, February 01, 2016

Natural Gas Plant Also Eyed In "Hinsdale, NH"

Originally published on 9/20/15 Republished.

Updated 1/29/2015

Keene Sentinel reporter Meghan Foley cold called me yesterday. It was ok she called me and we had a pleasant talk. She wanted to know where I got information on a natural gas plant coming to Hinsdale reported on this blog article. I told her the Hinsdale residents knows me as a crazy old loony tunes whistleblower who is always is riding his mountain bike on the town roads and trails. I told her a highly connected Hinsdale resident cued me that people were looking at town property hoping to put in a large natural gas plant in town. I reminded her these power plant speculators are alway planting bum stories in competing towns hoping to get a better deal from the hard up and depression towns. Generally I am a information hound. If you come to me for information, then I expect you to give me similar quality information back. We are trading information between us. She was pretty closed lipped about why she was looking for this information from me. God damn newspaper reporters all of them.          
Republished from 9/20/3015

Yep, they been eying a specific piece of property and doing studies in Hinsdale. A huge solar project and now a giant natural gas plant in Hinsdale's future. 
“We’re likely not the only town in this corridor that’s thought of this,” Rasmussen said."
If it is big enough it could make up for VY and Pilgrim.

It just remind us of how we are in such a deflationary environment.

We'd be way sympathetic to a business in Hinsdale. Bet, you wouldn't have to pay taxes for a decade here?

Hint, the Vernon selectmen are erratic and extremely unreliable... they are all fruit cakes over there...can't keep their word.

Hinsdale is really hungry. 

Right, they are playing Hinsdale against Vernon... 

Just saying, what site has the shortest natural gas pipeline distance to the main line? They'd have to go back across the Connecticut River. This is really expensive :)

Looking at this area's highest interest, I am completely and utterly a natural gas electric plant proponent. It would be way better than foreign electricity from Canada. We have a American source of energy and it would be produced in the USA.

GO USA!     

Natural gas plant eyed in Vernon

VERNON – In a town hit hard by the shutdown of Vermont Yankee, officials say a natural-gas plant – with development costs estimated at $750 million – may be in the works.
The optimism in Vernon is carefully qualified, however. For one thing, the plant is far from a sure bet, and it’s not yet been disclosed which sites are under consideration. Also, there have been a few recent hints of opposition from the general public, though the town government has been generally supportive of the concept so far.

Power lines cut across a Vermont hillside. Photo by Josh Larkin/VTDigger
But this much is clear: Vernon Planning Commission has been meeting regularly with a coordinator and potential developer who is interested in pursuing a gas plant that would tie into the proposed Kinder Morgan Northeast Energy Direct pipeline project in neighboring Massachusetts.
“We’ve probably got four or five sites under consideration,” said Don Campbell, a Winhall resident who has experience in utility finance and is guiding the gas-plant effort. “The one that we would go forward with is the one that has the most appeal to Vernon.”
A meeting to gauge the public’s support for a plant proposal may be imminent, and those who are backing the project say time is of the essence.
“We have an opportunity to cause this to happen now,” Campbell said. “We won’t have that opportunity in another year.”
Vernon, like all of Windham County, still is in the early phases of grappling with the economic blow of Vermont Yankee’s shutdown. The workforce has been cut roughly in half since the plant stopped producing power Dec. 29, and more job losses are scheduled for 2016.
Decommissioning the plant is expected to take decades, and spent nuclear fuel will be stored on site for the foreseeable future. So those involved in the gas-plant effort are quick to say that they are not looking to redevelop the core Vermont Yankee property that will be encumbered with long-term nuclear-regulatory issues.
At the same time, the group sees value in the electrical infrastructure that served Vermont Yankee for four decades.
Bob Spencer, chair of the Vernon Planning Commission, said at a recent meeting that a natural gas plant in the vicinity of the Vermont Yankee plant is “the most-obvious choice.”
“And it’s an economical choice for the developer because of the connection to the existing power lines and the other infrastructure that’s there – whether it’s on Entergy property or adjacent property,” Spencer said.
Campbell said the town is evaluating “all the options” for reusing the Vermont Yankee infrastructure “that has continued value.”
Campbell and a partner in the venture, Brattleboro resident Hervey Scudder, are no strangers to Vernon. Last year, they sat down with the Selectboard to discuss the possibility of a biomass-fueled power plant with a possible natural-gas component.
Complications with that proposal, including the controversy that has plagued some biomass projects, led to the idea being scuttled. “We just concluded that would be too heavy of a lift,” Campbell said.
Now, attention has turned to a fully gas-powered plant. The key component of Vernon’s idea is the proposed Northeast Energy Direct gas pipeline, pursued by Houston-based Kinder Morgan as a way to bring large quantities of relatively cheap natural gas from the shale fields of Pennsylvania to the New England market.
Kinder Morgan maps show the pipeline curling out of New York state and into northwest and north-central Massachusetts before turning north into New Hampshire and ultimately terminating in Dracut, Massachusetts, on that state’s border with New Hampshire. The project has not yet received approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, but Kinder Morgan is projecting that the pipeline could be in service by late 2018.
Advocates for a Vernon gas plant can see that, on the pipeline’s route through Massachusetts, it passes tantalizingly close to the Vermont border. Campbell said a 7-mile spur running along existing utility infrastructure could reach Vernon.
Campbell said he has been in touch with Kinder Morgan, where a spokesman for the pipeline project did not respond to a request for comment. He has not yet contacted federal or state officials.
But Campbell said he has been busy assembling a “first-tier” development team for a potential Vernon gas plant including technical, financial and legal partners. He declined to name those partners but said they “are very close by. I’m going back to New York on a regular basis.”
Campbell said he is relying on his experience and expertise to piece together the Vernon proposal. He worked as an investment banker “specializing in investor and publicly owned electric and gas utilities for two decades.” He lists Kidder, Peabody & Co.; Credit Suisse First Boston; and Paine Webber on his resume. In Vermont, he has set up a company called Stonewall Energy Advisors LLC.
But those credentials, and the groundwork already laid for the gas project, may not mean much without a go-ahead signal from Vernon. Campbell repeatedly said that, without broad support in the town, the project won’t proceed, and he resists the term “developer” at this stage of the game.
“We’re supporting Vernon as facilitators,” Campbell said. “When Vernon says, ‘Now you’re charged (with pursuing a gas plant),’ then we’re wearing the developer hat.”
“If it’s right for the town, and there’s town support, then we’ll go the next steps,” he added. “We have zero commercial relationship with anybody. The only master we have is with Vernon.”
Vernon Planning Commission, given that its mission includes land-use planning and economic development, has been talking with Campbell and Scudder throughout 2015. At a recent meeting, Spencer assured Selectboard members and residents that the commission has been acting in an advisory and information-gathering role. He also noted that Vernon has no zoning regulations.
“We have no authority or approval process as a planning commission,” Spencer said. “We’re doing this more as informational and actually trying to give feedback when they ask us a question.”
While not advocating for a Vernon gas plant, Spencer and other planning commission members say they believe there is a place and a need for such a project in the area. They cite the loss of Vermont Yankee’s 650 megawatts of power generation, and they argue that renewable energy alone cannot keep the electric grid stable.
“If we’re going to achieve our (renewables) goal, we’re going to have to do things like this gas plant,” said Patty O’Donnell, a former Selectboard chairwoman who now serves on Vernon Planning Commission. “There is going to be a gas plant somewhere, because the region needs it.”
Such a project would not come without controversy. If the Vernon initiative moves forward, there will be questions about the safety and environmental impact of a gas plant, not to mention concerns about natural-gas extraction itself: Both Vermont and New York have banned the practice of hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking.
Later in the Aug. 31 Vernon Selectboard meeting where Spencer gave his presentation, resident Bronna Zlochiver flatly declared, “For the record, I am opposed to a gas-powered plant coming to Vernon.”
Officials say they expect to soon take the gas-plant proposal – with more detail than is currently available – to the townspeople. Vernon Selectboard Chairwoman Chris Howe said she believes the Planning Commission is “doing a fantastic job,” but she wants more public input soon.
“As far as the gas plant goes, I don’t have any comments to speak of one way or the other as of yet,” Howe said. “I really think, though, that it is important to let the people of Vernon decide if we should pursue this any further.”
Planning Commission member Janet Rasmussen said that’s the intent, but not before there is more to talk about. The idea is that, “when we come to the town, we can present you with as much information as we possibly can, which we don’t have yet,” she said.
Looming above the debate is the idea that, even if Vernon decides it wants a gas plant, it may not get one.

“We’re likely not the only town in this corridor that’s thought of this,” Rasmussen said.

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