Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sequotah: Many Fuel Pin Leaks Spewing Radiation All Over The Plant

This got to be going again all over the place? It is a repeated industry crisis. 

Source Term Reduction and Control: The inspectors reviewed the collective exposure three-year rolling average (TYRA) from 2011 - 2013 and reviewed historical outage collective exposure trends. Through interviews with licensee staff and document review, the inspectors assessed the licensee’s current activities related to source term reduction, including elevated zinc injection on U2, on-line chemistry using pH 7.4 to minimize corrosion product transport, extended reactor coolant pump run time to allow better cleanup during shutdown, ultrasonic fuel cleaning, and response to fuel defects during previous operating cycles. The inspectors discussed the unexpectedly high activity o shutdown crud burst and changes expected in the short and long term relative abundances of Cobalt-58 and Cobalt-60 that would result from the change in the steam generator tube alloys and increasing the number of steam generator tubes by about a third. The dose implications of the various cobalt reduction activities coupled to the
change in tube alloys for the next few outages was also discussed

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