Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Plant Maintenance Big Picture By The Professional Reactor Operator Society

By Bob Meyer

Maintenance, maintenance safety culture, maintenance procedures, maintenance wrench time are a weak link in most nuclear plants. Years ago INPO by the direction of their board of directors reduced maintenance training and knowledge of the nuclear plant to a weaken state it is today. Take a look at the NRC violation, the rework and errors that are made. The landscape has changed since INPOs inception, and the lack of focus on all departments has caused significant degradations to the integrated wellbeing of the organization. There has been multiple paradigm shifts in work control and yet no new training or qualifications have changed. Work control provides directions and guidance on safety related equipment, with no training analysis on their performance… they have no training. Everyone that puts their hands on the equipment need detailed training, everone that writes procedures, work instructions for safety related training need detailed training. They all need to be part of the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) process.
Here is the report...

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