Saturday, February 14, 2015

Operations Advised Precautionary Pilgrim Plant Shutdown in Juno (1/27): Higher Management said Go to Hell


Big Cover up at Pilgrim Just Before Storm Juno plant trip and LOOP 
"What if the management did not want the operators to shutdown early?"
"Was there any benefit to ops for keeping, to run the plant at full power?'
"Does management have more to gain if they wanted ops to continue full power operation?"
The Operations Department (OPS) is the most influential department at the plant. These employees are the only licensed employees at the plant...have to pass testing at the plant.

I just received a tip from a operation department employee…a very senior individual.

The game may go between the NRC and licence, 'I won't ask you and you don't tell me'. A tip just may disrupt this game of selective disclosures.  
The operation department requested and advised to senior management just hours before Storm Juno struck Pilgrim, that the plant is unsafe at power facing a hard plant trip and LOOP. Operations advised Pilgrim take a precautionary plant shutdown and sit out the storm in a shutdown condition leading up to Jan 27… 
Are Entergy's executive bonuses with staying up at power or capacity factor behind not playing it safe? 
Senior Management just blew off the advice of the Operation Department...ordered them to stay up at power.

This will turn into a whole different game if Entergy didn't disclose this to the NRC resident inspector or the special inspection team.

Storm Neptune Pilgrim plant shutdown 

Did the NRC politely tell Entergy to voluntarily shutdown the plant or we will order it shutdown. They just got done with a 12 day they found other other problems?

"Burm said that they cannot reveal how long they will be offline but adds that they are addressing a number of concerns"

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