Sunday, February 15, 2015

Blizzard Timeline in 2015 with Pilgrim Nuclear Plant

NRC focused inspection on scrams and prior LOOPs.
Jan 27, 2015 Storm Juno:
Plant trip, equipment problems, LOOP and special inspection. I predicted the plant LOOP. 
Feb 9, 2015 Storm Marcus:
Slow moving storm and rather high snow accumulation. Not much wind. Plant survives without problem.  
Feb 15, 2015 Storm Neptune 
Bombogenesis: intense low pressure and hurricane force winds. Forecasted as not a big accumulation. Pilgrim shutdown voluntarily prior to storm, but under 'concerns' and equipment problems. (questioned if secretly ordered by NRC)
Feb 22, 2015 Storm Octavia?
? Might intensify out in the ocean and run up the coast as a typical Nor’easter.

Boston thinks it might be 18"

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