Monday, August 12, 2013

Hinsdale Route 119 Bridge Walkway Woes

Aug 21:

I know the difference between 95% certain and 100% certain.

I went back to the bridge on my bike to verify what my senses told me was there last time. Last time I was there the bridge boards were pretty they were as noisy as they ever were.

100% certainty is seeing three rows of shiny nails all across the whole bridges...95% is when I can only hear and feel the quite of the bridge.

I trusted my senses because I went back and forth twine...I was worried my emotion could over run brain. It was quite, no doubt about it.

So what happened, temperature difference, moisture content or I drove down the middle when I should have drove towards the side?

When I first heard the silent boards...I wanted to get off my bike and get down on my hands and knees to inspect the boards for new nails. I thought they might be smaller new nails embedded in the wood. But I couldn’t because of my bail condition.

So the NHDOT didn’t re nail the bad...

Aug 18:

On riding my bike across the bridge yesterday I noticed the plank clacking being much less. It reminded me of riding over the new Keene walkway last week. I believe the NHDOT had come in last week and renailed tons of loose boards...
I mailed the below to the Hinsdale police on Aug 14:
You can make the case the NHDOT and the police conspired to only re-nail the wooden planks I removed. What are the codes or expectation with numerous boards being loosed and not connected?

If they conservatively followed the codes and replaced all damaged wooden boards and would have legitimized my action.

Is this another cover-up...

The cleck of the court said all I got to do is ask the police for their documents and other things, they have to give them me. I have been spending time in Keene court desenitizing myself with being in court. I am going to spending a lot more time in court studing the judge and figuring how the sytem works. I kinda now respect the judge with him being independant and I see even he has to abide by rules...

I verified the Hinsdale sidewalk snow plowing incident. It almost killed somebody. Three year ago while plowing the bridge walkway the plow must have hit one of those warped and loose boards. It pulled up a bunch of them...with the front of the machine falling through the hole. I was told Hinsdale couldn't get the machine off the bridge. They got the NHDOT to remove the machine.

...Took a ride on my bike to Keene NH. My big goal was to ride my bike over the Franklin Pierce highway walkway, among another appointment. Remember I caused the NHDOT to repair some of the Hinsdale bridge walkway wooden boards. Got four misdemeanors charges and a felony pending over this guy. Remember, I talked about the hearing the "clunkity, clunk, clunk" on my bike when I would go over the Hinsdale walkway. Even after my repair job? You can still hear it today indicating there are many loose boards left. They are loose boards unattached to the bridge because of rusted and broken screws and nails. The NHDOT only nailed down with new nails and boards the ones I threw over the side. There is still a lot of not nailed down boards on both the Hinsdale bridges.
So I thought of doing an experiment on the Keene walkway bridge. They have identical boards as Hinsdale walkway. All I could hear is the slight humming of my tires. There was no loud "clunkity, clunk, clunk" on the new walkway. The tire comes to the edge of the loose board with it lifting the other side of the board off the bridge on the Hinsdale bridge. On the Keene walkway the nails seal the board tightly to the walkway. That is what make all this noise. You hear no thumps or board noise on the new walkway.
Lets say, you own a deck on the top floor of a three story building. You discovered half your deck boards are loose and unattached to the two by sixes underneath the deck. For one, it would be embarrassing if my friends discovered it while they were up there...they would think "I can’t even take care of my property". I would worry they would think I am lazy and reckless. Most anyone finding deck board loose three stories’d be terrified you could end up hurting somebody and you could face a lot of legal pain if somebody fell through the floor. You don’t need a plausible scenario of how somebody could fall through the deck board to their would know unattached deck floor boards are extraordinarily dangerous that high up.

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