Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hinsdale, NH Policebots

You know what is a policebot.? It is basically an internet algorithms who answers you like a real person on mostly social media.  It is a computer program and they become extremely shallow and narrow-minded...always jumping from one case to another...

They say 70% of twitter messages comes from socialbots...
So I am saying insufficient police resources and the force being overwhelmed, a lack of training...creates a mechanical or an artificial computer program style police person...

Remember "community policing"...

...About three month ago I discover a young troubled mother of a three and a half year old son running around our house in a hysterical manner.  She lets her son play unsupervised ...I caught  him playing in the woods by himself another time and my neighbor found the young boy hiding in his lawn shack yet again. She told me her son was missing and she was looking for him for about 15 minutes. I took a swipe around my house and the neighbor’s lawn shacks...nothing. So I called 911 saying a three year old has gone missing for about a half hour and her mother is running around my house in a hysterical manner. There was about four of us running around in our neighbor in hysterics screaming this boys name. We were all seasoned parents... 
I figured the police would swarm my house like ants looking for a missing three and a half year old...
Another 10 minutes with nobody showing up...another call to 911. That is when the Hinsdale police said they were kinda backed up...
I just found this unbelievable the police department didn't drop whatever they were doing and immediately go to our neighborhood. I believe we even made an earlier complain with the child playing in the wood not supervised 300 feet from his house. We believe she has addiction issues...
I found that sickening shocking in 45 minutes and three 911 calls no police response...the police didn’t get they had a lost little child...  
Like I said, this is recorded in 911...
We found him the next street over and about 1.5 miles away from his house.

That is one way to get your mom’s attention...

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