I plead guilty to malicious destruction of property (class B misdemeanor) over getting this new wooden walkway fixed...got fined and required to not stop on the bridges for a year. Guess what, a year has come and gone, the dam bridge is still standing. I have no limitation with standing, stopping or being within 500 feet on any bridge what-so-ever now in the USA. I finally a free man!
Our district court system sucks and it is severely under funded considering the increasing crime such as herion and young adult poverty and hopelessness. So many of our children our lost with no hope!!! If you have a shit family growing up, it means your whole life is suffering. Oh, a few will escape into the good life, but not many. The suffering will all cost us tremendously!!!
You all better hope I don’t get bored this summer. I still got my halo hidden :) under the bed in our bedroom. My wife bought me a new expensive mountain bike if I promised to be a good boy for a year. On the whole, I made out. Last year beginning in Aug with my new bike, best biking year I ever had and that includes this cold winter. Been biking my ass off for for the last month. Life is a lot easier without two scowling faces looking constantly at you. The wife and daughter.
You have no idea how sweet it is riding over this new wooden walkway. It was all a drive to get into better physical shape :)I still say if this bridge don't collapse on it own in the fifty years, you be still walking across my new wooden walkway I built last year
There is a lot of development going on Hinsdale in the next few years, it is more than even in Hinsdale's interest to replace these Bridges.
I am more than proud that you can't get elected selectmen without talking "replace those dam bridges"...the Reformer won't let the selectmen not talk about the bridge pre election
Reposted again from 6/18/2014
***Remember, 261 days from July 31, 2013 till the NHDOT replaced all the boards on both bridges.***

Originially posted July 31, 2013....
...I’d seem that in a “Law and Order” program. A white police car goes up and down the perps road in a show of the police force. They want to make him nervous. The Hinsdale police just slowly went up my street.
They know I am looking over my shoulder and at every car, just waiting for police to show up. I am damn close to being paranoid.
This tactic just drives a perp into the police station trying just to get the burden off his shoulders.
It is not easy breaking the law…
I almost bolted to the Hinsdale police station just a moment ago!
Maybe they are trying to help me in stages…where the arrest comes it won’t be so shocking if the day of reckoning arrives.
I got to calm down.
Lucky I don’t smoke, do drugs and drink booze. By the way, this house doesn’t have any guns in it and I don’t have a gun for decades. I am drinking tons of coffee and eating like a pig though. I am getting on my mountain bike in a soothing intention…
...I went down to the scene to take police barrier tape picture and investigation the NHDOT car. When I got down there about 10: 30 am, there was about 5 NHDOT vehicles and maybe eight employees. I got off my bike to take pictures at both ends. The employees were extremely nervous once they seen me. I made a comment about “now are all the boards nailed down, anymore loose ones” and a “what about doing the other bridge”. I’d seen cell phones going up to ears two or three times. No question their behavior changed once I appeared and they all got off the bridge to congregate near their vehicles. They almost ran to their vehicles and they were watching me like a nervous cat.
I wanted to talk to the leader. I thought I was nervous and angry about the whole situation…I figured I would talk in an excited tone. I didn’t want to frighten them in any more than I already did. You know, the crazy halo man at the bridge and him winging off walkway wooden planks on an innocent bridge.
So I just headed back up the hill to go home. I surely expected to see a cop heading towards the bridge seeing all those cell phones getting next to ears. Not a one showed up.
They absolutely knew me…I talked to them this spring.
...Aug 1: So why didn't this happen yesterday morning? Why isn't my word good enough?
"He is looking at that big pile of planks somebody threw over the side?"
What do you say, $5000 worth of damage?
What about fixing that huge rusted truss right in front of you...
I gotta get a picture of the police tape at both ends of the bridge!
July 31: The shutdown of the dangerous Route 119 Hinsdale bridge walkway by a concerned citizens ..."Jesus, am I sore today from moving all them planks.It is a metaphor with how you get a bridge fixed in dysfunctional NH.The NHDOT job scoping guy was parked near the bridge at 7:30 AM this morning and a guy in a white hard hat was standing on the walkway with a extended tape ruler in his hand."
...At approximately 8 pm tonight I shut down the Hinsdale Route 119 bridge walkway. I shut it down base on my conscience and a severe and certain accident. It certainly would have created injuries and death. This came about from the direct negligence of the Hinsdale police department and the NHDOT. I placed the bridge walkway is a safe condition and force the state to deal with threat to limb and the preciousness of human life.
I rode my bike over these loose wooden planks for in excess of three years. I could hear the thump and clickety clacks of this planks. I have been protesting on this bridge and have intensified my activities for three year. Uncountable people have stopped and complained about the dangerous loose planks including people in wheel chairs.
This morning I remove unattached planks from the bridge metal structure. I took pictures of the results of my activities. After taking these pictures, I immediately reinstalled all the planks. I sent e- mails to an assortment of NHDOT officials’ with the pictures. I took my pictures to the Hinsdale Police station and made a “civil protest complaint” to the police lieutenant showing him the pictures. He said he would report it to the NHDOT.
Prior warnings and notifications:
1) July 23 letter titled "Brattleboro/Hinsdale Bridge" to NHDOT officials and the town of Hinsdale.
2) July 31 compliant made directly in the Hinsdale police station and pictures shown with missing wooden plants.
At about 8 pm tonight, I removed about 30 planks from the Hinsdale Bridge creating a huge hole in the walkway. I threw many of the planks into the Connecticut River and many more down the embankment to near the water line. I don’t think the NHDOT can recover these planks, certainly without a lot of timely work. I placed three two by sixes across the entrance and exit of the bridge for safety.
Most troubling, were the unattached planks who were vibrating towards the river side away from the 2 by 6 that was holding up the planks … we were heading for a catastrophe. All the planks I removed and discarded have corroded screws and nails...the planks were completely not attached to the bridge.
I called 911 and made a complaint about the dangerous missing planks. 911 directly connected me to the Hinsdale police. I told the Hinsdale police there was secured barriers placed at the entrance and exit. I reminded him the pedestrians will have to walk on the two lane roadbed without a safety breakdown lane. The Hinsdale police told me they were all tied up in town and overloaded. They called in the Brattleboro police to do the on scene investigation and write up a report. The Brattleboro police was onsite and investigating.
Phase II tomorrow if they dare ignored me...or if they renailed only 4 or 5 boards and left all the others loose...
To all the locale media:
From: Michael MulliganI mean, somebody can fall right thought the bridge deck and drown in the Connecticut River. This is a safety emergency!
To: "info@wtsa.net"
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 12:48 PM
Subject: Earthquake: collaspe of Hinsdale's bridge walkway today.
I mean, how far down the river is the body? Old wooden planks all over the place!OMG, somebody could get killed over this. Somebody is going to die over these dilapidated bridges one of these days.Somebody should call the Hinsdale police about this dangerous behavior. Pictures of collapse bridge walkway...it looks like a 8.0 earthquake...did you feel it???Mike Mulligan(aka "halo guy")Hinsdale, NH16033368320
The nails were completely corroded...that is why they are loose.
I went to the Hinsdale police with my pictures, the Lieutenant didn't know where they came from. I said this is a civil protest. He asked if it i still there and how long ago. I said about one half hour ago and somebody can fall in the drink! He said I will call the NHDOT....
Who ever intentionally did this should be immediately put in jail...some body could fall in the huge hole and die!
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