Thursday, August 30, 2012

Is this NRC OIG evaluation fair about the NRC's internet social media presence?

So Booz Hamilton is actively soliciting the extreme 'Yes Vermont Yankee' blog participants for the agency's evaluation on the NRC's social media. We know many of these players are paid to pump the extreme pro nuclear side. I suspect they are paid by the nuclear utilities.

Most of the nuclear industry's employees are contractually prevented from talking about their plants and the it is hard to get these employees to speak anything nuclear because they are playing it safe. So that is why Booze is soliciting to these intimidated employees to comment about the NRC's social's hard to get a comment from them?

Yes Vermont Yankee blog:
"A consultant for the NRC contacted me a few weeks ago and asked me for my opinion of the NRC's social media outreach efforts, such as the NRC blog, YouTube channel and twitter feed. I obliged by giving them a phone interview. I don't know how they picked people to interview, but I think that my blog was part of the selection process. 
Two days ago, they asked me if I could publicize their wider efforts to gather opinions of NRC's social media outreach. Specifically, they asked me to publicize a link to an opinion-survey form."   
Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Use of Social Media
"Booz Allen Hamilton is conducting an independent evaluation on behalf of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Office of Inspector General. As part of our research, we would like to provide the public with an opportunity to share their feedback, thoughts, and ideas regarding NRC’s use of its official social media channels which include the NRC Blog, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr sites. Links to all the NRC social media sites can be found on the NRC’s homepage at NOTE: Comments will not be attributed to individuals or organizations. They will be reviewed by Booz Allen Hamilton and considered as part of its research efforts for their final evaluation report which will be presented to NRC and made publicly available. Additionally, this is an open forum and all feedback is welcome. Comments will not receive a response from Booz Allen Hamilton or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Thank you for your time and participation.  
If you follow, read, subscribe to, or engage with NRC via any of these channels, please share your feedback on how efficiently and effectively the NRC is currently using these sites and provide any recommendations on areas for improvement. *"
...This is what I submitted to him:
I think the NRC's social media is a typical corporatese public relation pumping operation. It is not about the employees of the NRC creating a open conversation with the public. Mostly, comments contrary to the agencies ideology-philosophy is censored out of the social media. The gate keepers of the social media leans towards the extreme pro nuclear attitude...we don't have sympathetic gate keepers on all sides. 
You submit a comment....the comment takes forever for it to get on the site, if at all. It is not like the typical social media where you comment is added without censure or delay. 
I am completely turned off with the NRC'S total control of their George Orwell's  social media sites....
Basically the NRC is keenly managing the look of their social media presence by controlling is not a peoples totally organic site.
My Blog
I am surprised the OIG contractor is only interviewing the extreme wing of the pro nuclear side, not the regular people, the safety advocates and the antis. 
If you behave in a way that projects to the NRC the agency is not up to the job of regulating the nuclear plants or controlling the bad plants ...they won't allow you to participate.  
My email: Mike Mulligan  
Bottom line, they are extremely controversy adverse. They are creating a huge hurdle to participate.  
Is Booz cherry picking the extreme pro nuclear wing side of the equation for interviews who advocate for much less NRC oversight and regulations...?

And we know the NRC OIG is under the total control of the mad dog House Republican extreme wing of the pro nuclear regulations of the nuclear plants!

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