Thursday, October 20, 2011

VY Turbine Lube Oil Vapor Extractor plume

The Vermont Yankee state liaison engineer documenting my concern....
Condition Report: CR-VTY-2011-03628
New Oct 24
On Oct 25 this tues from 2:30 to 3:30 is my second shot with the NRC petition review board. You can listen to it and ask questions to me at the end it. It is free of charge, tel number 1-800-772-3842. You are going to have to enter the number 2206 when they ask you.

Mass. congressman questions Yankee's truthfulness! (Burlington Free Press)

Rep. Edward Markey, the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, wrote Friday to NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko to complain that a spokesman for the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant had made statements “at odds with the factual history of the plant,’’ and that the “NRC had not appropriately responded to concerns raised about this issue.’’

Is this letter suspicious...trying the illicit a response.

Oct. 21, 2011: Is Entergy Being Truthful About Radioactive Strontium in Fish Near Vermont Yankee?

Letter to the NRC 

Picture: VY Turbine Lube Oil Vapor Extractor plume

From: Michael Mulligan

To: "Kim, James"
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: PRB's Initial Recommendation on your 2.206 petition-Vapor Plume from Turbine Building roof
Addendum to this 2.206

Dear Mr Hiland,
I had the Vermont State nuclear engineer Uldis Vanage investigate the phantom radioactive plume seen in my tiny said plume of VY. Entergy entered into their document system CR-VTY-2011-03628 on Sept 12 and we know you took my testimony on Sept 14, 2011. Generally the plume is acknowledge to be reactor steam leaking from the turbine seals and it is being sucked into the turbine lube oil system exiting out the vapor extractor piping on top of the turbine building. It has all the components of radioactivity that is in reactor steam. I bet you this steam leaves the reactor vessel and escapes out the turbine building within seconds, certainly less than a minute. It is a unanalyzed pathway discharge of radiation and it is a black hole radioactive discharge without any evaluation and no plant documentation of any kind for 40 years. I suspect a document shredding operation going on. People suspect I had inside help on this.
This has been one of largest cover-up operation of the NRC in many years and there is certainly high level NRC officials being involved. The PRB's response to me that I had insufficient evidence was a malicious fabrication....the PRB's response to me was maliciously inaccurate and falsification considering CR-VTY-2011-03628 and the NRC questioning that went on at the plant .
At the end of the day, everyone is left wondering what is so big going on behind the scenes that the NRC would risk attempting to perform such a dangerous blatant cover-up?
By the way, Entergy contracted with Areva to do a technical investigation of the licensing bases issues with the unanalyzed discharge and also doing sampling of the pipe discharge.
I requested a immediate special investigation both with VY and also the NRC's actions or strategic omissions with this.
This has generic issues with all BWRs with similar setup with the vapor extractor discharges.

mike mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

PS: This went unanswered?

Michael Mulligan
To: "Setzer, Thomas"
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Regarding your August 23, 2011 email about Vermont Yankee

Could I talk to you about the VY LO vapor extractor plume...or one of your inspectors before the 2.206 PRB? The basic operation of the system and what radiation goes out the pipe on top of the turbine building...the sampling results of the steam. Is VY continuously monitoring that emission? What is in that plume and how does it get into the lube oil? How does these emissions fit into plant studies and tech specs? Is there much radioactivity in the turbine lube oil?
VY has discovered abnormal contamination on the turbine building roof and they say some of it was discovered in the storm drain out take and into the mud of the Connecticut River.

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