Friday, September 16, 2011

"Mike Mulligan and the Hinsdale Route 119 bridge"

Updated Oct 17

Brigitte Mandel

Engineering and Operations Team Leader.

Federal Highway Administration HN....

It is too bad she talked to Washington. Her whole demeanor has changed...basically she says I trust everything the NH DOT says.

Basically I said after NH transportation system breaks down in the next two years or so...where the heck are you going to be? Who is going to hold you and your bosses accountable for doing nothing. So i ask her for he name. She himed and hawed, she said I don't want you saying something about me on your blog that is inaccurate. I said, I would let you say anything you want on my blog to defend yourself or your agency. She wouldn't give me her name. I said welcome to the United States of Russia where federal officials don't give their names because they are afraid bloggers will tell the truth. I told here I can't believe I live in the freest, most transparent and best nation on the planet...and a federal official refuses to give me her name when she is interacting with a member of the public in the interest of a federal agency...the federal Highway administration. I freaked out when she gave me this response. She told me her name, then I asked her to spell her name so I get it accurately. Then she said something like now you are making me upset...then she spelled her name.

That is the wide spread excuse for any state and federal officials' on the can't hold me accountable because I can't defend myself on your blog....I won't give you my name. I hear this a lot with a lot of government agencies.

In the bad old days, they would just say screw you, I ain't giving you my name. They do the same thing today saying it more pleasantly, saying your are a blogger and you might say something inaccurate about me or the agency.

I have always been shocked by federal officials not being held accountable by staying or being on the record...the I ain't telling you my name because i don't feel safe telling you how we really work.

New OCT 16:
I just frame it like this...the condition of Route 119 pavement through Hinsdale is a is a threat to our property values and businesses wanting to locate here, must be thinking twice with the condition of our main road. We are going to have a lot of road damage as we come into the spring warmup.  

Brattleboro/Hinsdale Bridge Unsafe

Fun with the NH DOT?

Severe staffing problems preventing bridge inspections (NH DOT)

Bridges: NH DOT 10 year plan

MMulligan: Best NH and USA Ambassador

Motorcycle Accident on Brats RT 119 bridge

How can they be sitting on this report for over a year...I got them to disclose the preliminary results. It is mind boggling they didn't immediately release the report! I made a accusation to the Federal Highway Administration that the NH DOT is severely overloaded and overwhelmed with road and especially bridge inspection issues..

Hello, Mr. Mulligan -

In response to your inquiry below, I have again attached my letter to you dated October 3, 2011 which states that the in-depth inspection was performed in the fall of 2011, just about one year ago. The engineering firm that performed this inspection, and the load rating based on those results, is AECOM, Inc., using staff from their Boston, MA, office. These preliminary reports are currently being reviewed by NHDOT Bridge Design staff.

I trust this adequately responds to your request below.
Regards, Mark W. Richardson, NHDOT Bridge Design

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