Thursday, June 16, 2011

U.S. Department of Homeland Security OIG hot line staff

I'll give you the down and dirty about nuclear power plant evacuation plans in the USA today.

Everyone knows it like pushing on a string, no organization or agency in the USA have the power and authority to enforce evacuation plan quality and order....

...I need to remind you about some employees in our government...say, our soldiers fighting for a cause greater than themselves...they are still dying on foreign lands and they are leaving their DNA identify in their blood spilt on foreign lands. Their names are almost daily seen up in media through their injury and deaths on our TV screens. These young heroes aren't accorded any privilege of anonymity...

This is a common theme I have recently heard in the bowels of governmental agencies. A lot of theses spineless bureaucrats our fixated on their personal security...fear of fruit cases and terrorist taking them and their families out...

I see it as them being cowards generally...they are using terrorism and internal fruit cases as the reason for not holding governmental employees and government in general accountable to the American public and voters.

...Do you really want that is the USA...terrorism being the excuse to distant government from its people? I see some gov employee not really having a fear of death and suffering, but some using this rationalization to protect themselves from scrutiny. The terrorist and killers then win...

Mr. Mulligan:

This is to acknowledge receipt of the information you e-mailed to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG). Our research has indicated that while FEMA evaluates the government’s ability to protect public health and safety, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) uses this information as part of its regulatory oversight responsibilities to make licensing decisions. The NRC operates a safety hotline number and may be reached at the following toll-free number at 800-695-7403, in the event that you would like to report an allegation regarding the Vermont Yankee evacuation drill.

We apologize for the quality of your recent encounter with our toll-free allegation hotline. It is our policy to thoroughly review all complaints and determine the appropriate course of action. In many instances, we refer information or complaints to a bureau, agency or office that will more appropriately respond to it. Any additional information that you wish to send regarding the matter should be sent to the agency below:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Office of Chief Counsel
500 C Street SW Suite 840
Washington, DC 20472


The Hotline Staff

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