Thursday, March 10, 2011

“The rest of the story” about VY Relicensing

“The rest of the story” about VY Relicensing

Lets not forget Paul Harvey...

What the NRC and Industry is terrified of is if the Wall Street people end up having no confidence with the NRC or the utilities in general. It is only about managing the public relations image of the nuclear industry.

So my brilliant security campaign has been spinning in the back ground, I hit a massive home run on speaking to the PRB of the NRC, the NRC is going to reject that also...then Senator Markey of Massachusetts this morning piggy backs on my security issue with a complaint about the secrecy of security issues with Pilgrim and Entergy. We think the NRC is in a object panic mode over this and they are running around like a chicken with its head cut off. We think my 2.206 and the senator Markey letter set off the panic with giving Vermont Yankee their relicense. I am really speaking to Wall Street...can you trust these guys with billions of dollars, remember all of the past lost of billions of dollars and all those cancelled nuclear projects.

...From: Michael Mulligan
To: "Kim, James"
Sent: Thu, March 10, 2011 4:11:13 PM
Subject: Re: Brattlboro Reformer Vedio: Request emergency shutdown of Vermont Yankee

Mr Kim,

Please include this article and my analysis about what it means as a addendum to my VY video security 2.206. I wish to included this into the record.

The agency doesn't realized it yet, VY security is dependant on the public oversight of plant security and the NRC. Security never come from comes from knowing what is out there and being 10 times better than the terrorist. I think our society and our experiences gives us magnitudes of advantage with being much better than the terrorist.

This is a example of a direct conflict between giving advantage to a terrorist by democratic ideals and making sure the agency and Entergy doesn't use national security to hide agency and Entergy sins...not to direct funds to executive bonuses and stock prices, but to direct it to the security terrorism fighting capability.

As i have outlined, I gave you direct examples where VY and the NRC has undermined national security in my past. In that, you hid sins that would create an embarrassment to you and to save the utilities pennies on plant security. I had directly intervene with the security related events at VY and as i have explained good employees came to me because they didn't trust VY and the NRC. If the pubic ever seen how stupid we were they would make us spend more monies on security was the theme.

The flip side of this on the big picture...the really big picture where you bureaucrats are afraid to reside...the easy way is to make America a dictatorship to your simpleton ideals of freedom and the foundations of our Constitution. If we really got into a severe national security event and it was uncovered that you were using national security and terrorism fighting secrecy as the excuse to hide the sins of the corporations' and business cheapskatism with the government being compromised, then this would lessen national cohesion in a time of a national security event. Trust in government is what we all depend on in times of a in government is the only cohesion that makes us the greatest country on the planet.

Our highest national security ideal is national cohesion in times of a severe national emergency. I think the agency's stance on nuclear plant security...the idea of putting security sins behind a impenetrable public barrier, it facilitates the spending of inappropriate funding on security related matters at our nuclear plants. It might further the new nukes in your heads (altruism abuse), but it is a deterrence to national security on the whole.

It has the direct potential to undermine our highest ideals of national in government...when it matter most. The NRC and its regulatory security related philosophy is a direct threat to national security. Are the terrorist coming, and the first instinct of the NRC bureaucrats is to hide under their desk in governmental secrecy that the terrorist are planing an attack agaisnt us?

In sum, I think the agency is playing the terrorism altruism abuse card: to your friends you will allow the release of security related information if it makes a plant look pretty for the camera; to you competitors and the community if the plant information makes the lot of you look bad, you will flip out withholding any and all information if it makes you look bad and incompetent.

To be absolutely clear, security safety and safety in general is directly related to public accountable and scrutiny...when you consider the proclivity of the human experience to break the laws when they are placed behind transparency barriers where their behaviors are not scrutinized by the greater community.

Again, I think it is atrocious that the NRC assumes the good people of the USA are the terrorist first in order to make you look good with nuclear plant security related issues.

You would rather use inappropriate security and terrorism related secrecy to give the nation the false appearance the NRC is maintaining the security of these facilities...than to use the democratic ideals of transparency that would drive the lot of you into the highest state of security and terrorism protectionism.

I agree it is a conflict, but the agency never sees secrecy as a deterrence to security safety.


Mike Mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

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