Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Future of the Nuclear Industry

Message 14 @ about 3 pm this afternoon.

I don't think anyone would make a bid on VY...cause they think the kooks of Hinsdale and Vermont would go after the fleet operation of the rest of your plants.

I think when VY gets relicensed it will just be a attention getter for Entergy and the NRC...everything is going perfectly on plan. I can't think of a better thing to do to bring attention to the situation.

Entergy has been heading into strong headwinds for a few years...their staff is getting sloppy fleet wide...god help them if they get into trouble with the spot light already up on them. It is all drawing attention towards Entergy and it a situation they never been in before.

They industry and Entergy has a very strong ideological’s faith and political based, not facts... it been demonstrated they have some political power with the humpty and dumpty congressmen running around sending letters to the NRC...

I think a serious accident is going to take the whole lot them and their thought process out, and Obama is going to get wrapped up in it. An accident is going to occur, the media is going to get all hyped up creating unbelievable transparency pressure....and we as a nation are going to be disgusted with crap that has been going on under our feet.

Just like what is going on with Millstone, it is a perfect storm of employee errors...we are watching in real time a perfect storm developing over the nuclear industry. It isn't a is stupidity descending on them all.

Remember, god is on my side!!!

All these guys are looking to the past for answers...i see the potential future.

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