Sunday, December 02, 2007

List of the location of chairman Klein speechs....since 4/07

Who NRC commissioner Klein gave speech’s to since 4/16/07
Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness “Teller Lecture”
Center for Strategic & International Studies
Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials (PATRAM) Conference, U.S. DOE, NRC and U.S. DOT in cooperation with the IAEA and INMM…who sponsored
Baker Center for Public Policy
Digital Instrumentation and Control Workshop
IAEA General Conference
Global 2007: Advanced Fuel Cycles and Systems
ANS Utility Working ConferenceAmelia Island, FL
Women in Nuclear Conference, ANCAnaheim, CA
Canberra User’s Group, Areva
Society of Nuclear Medicine
Browns Ferry Unit 1 Restart
Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism Law Enforcement Conference
NEA Forum
GE Nuclear Innovations Conference
Goizueta Leadership Center, INPO, as we call it — the National Academy for Nuclear Training, and the Goizueta Business School at Emory University
Nuclear Energy Assembly, NEI
Before the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (Icone 15)JAIF Annual Conference…4/16/07

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