Friday, November 30, 2007

NRC chairman Klein is pulling a Giuliani!

NRC chairman Klein is pulling a Giuliani!

I am getting to the point of saying NRC commissioner Klein and his agency are showing clear signals that they are seeing the world through a ideological lens. I frankly think they see the world partially through a lens of filter….they deny the evidence coming from a big part of the world.

At its core, it’s so sickening anti nuclear…it’s a lens seen through a system of self protection… dress up as being pro nuclear....that it’s a disservice to the nation, global warming, the nuclear industry and to all the honest workers who are desperately trying to define human dignity and nuclear safety…with a system in crisis…and a hint that better days may be on the horizon.

Now is the time to tell the truth no matter what the consequence.

Can any organization perform a RCA if they have a severe ideological dysfunction?

As far as feedback…I won’t put it in a manager/employee format…power over one with less power…I frame it completely unjudgmental…the only job of feedback is trying to creating a mental picture or video of what went on.

Citing Statistics, Giuliani Misses Time and

In almost every appearance as he campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination, Rudolph W. Giuliani cites a fusillade of statistics and facts to make his arguments about his successes in running New York City and the merits of his views.

Discussing his crime-fighting success as mayor, Mr. Giuliani told a television interviewer that New York was “the only city in America that has reduced crime every single year since 1994.” In New Hampshire this week, he told a public forum that when he became mayor in 1994, New York “had been averaging like 1,800, 1,900 murders for almost 30 years.” When a recent Republican debate turned to the question of fiscal responsibility, he boasted that “under me, spending went down by 7 percent.”

An examination of many of his statements by The New York Times, other news organizations and independent groups have turned up a variety of misstatements, virtually all of which cast Mr. Giuliani or his arguments in a better light. “He’s given us a lot of work up until now,” said Brooks Jackson, the director of Annenberg Political Fact Check, which is part of, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania that has corrected statements by candidates in both parties.

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