Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stephen of book about the submarine Scorpion

Stephen Johnson is a talented author of a book about the sinking of the submarine Scorpion. You know these sensitive writer’s and big city newspaper reporter types…too much booze and I think we can get close to saying he has post traumatic stress syndrome.

Remember this guy might be voyeur concerning big city mayhem…you know the bloody news at 11…newspaper profits and careerism, collapse of newspaper circulation…without having the ability to know and express what this really means to the American public….to understand what’s driving this mayhem…to help the American people to correct their problems effecting their lives.

The problems I have he uses this mayhem as a defense of his self interest…selling newspapers…making a point to destructively belittle me…but he doesn’t know how to use what he knows to create deeper changes concerning the mental disabled and the dysfunctional people and systems around the disabled.

He uses his experience gained in the newspaper industry by watching the big city beat…by watching people suffer and cause suffering…as a means to put down people who disagree with him later on.

He's into the mechanic's of what sunk the Scorpion submarine...but not into the touchy feely issues, the painful issues…that got us to the point of losing a military vessel.



----- Original Message ----From: Stephen Johnson To: USS_Scorpion_SSN-589@yahoogroups.comSent: Friday, November 9, 2007 3:43:29 PMSubject: Re: [USS_Scorpion_SSN-589] Re: Credibility, facts and evidence....and gulags

I will not banter with you. I'm too busy. But listen up...

You'd like to think you've touched a nerve Mike, but I don't have a nerve left after at first reading and then ignoring your whining, self-pitying, endless postings.

"Three big police officers tackled him out of his wheelchair and flung his foot through a plate glass window..."

Until you admitted the officers believed this person had a gun, that story sounded like the most foolish claim I've ever heard in my life.

I showed up at a scene once where an ordinarily harmless dual-diagnosis woman (schizophrenia and retardation) kept a young boy in her home and released him after police arrived. They tried to force their way in and one officer was stabbed in the head with a steak knife by this woman (no serious injury) -- whom older officers knew had serious issues. A phalanx of enraged and inexperienced officers arrived and the rushed the house shooting her through the door severing her spinal cord and paralyzing her for life. It goes on and on.

The police action was inappropriate. I made the scene and wrote the story about it. The officers were wrong and the City of Houston paid a huge amount of money. Worse yet, the officers endangered themselves. However, something precipitated their actions. I've got a hundred stories like this and NONE OF THEM BELONG ON THIS SITE.

Mike, please, go somewhere else. Let's end this. You're talking to someone who literally lived on the street with the seriously mentally, who played his own role in getting murderous and dangerous police officers put in prison, someone who fought the State of Texas to get an 40-year-old woman institutional care after she was found curled up in a fetal position in a room where she had been fed under the door for her entire life, blah, blah, blah.

That was my job and that's what I did. I've seen more murder, heartbreak, cruelty, corruption and viciousness than you will ever lay your eyes upon.

If we're going to turn this website into a big pity party, then you better get out your hankie because you'll be crying a river when I get through with you and you will never be able to match me for pathos, frustration, horror and outrage.

Some of your stuff is simply not believable and seems designed to cast you in the light of "hero" or "martyr" or whatever.

I just spent a month hoisting and carrying my 200-pound father during his dying days, so don't bore me or anyone else with stories about caring for the ill. We all have these stories. You do what you must and you don't go on and on about it.

Go away do your good deeds but do them silently. Let your acts be their own reward.

You never answered my questions about what happened to your status on the Know_Nuclear Website and your affiliation with the Nuclear group you were a member of.

Get a life.

Stephen Johnson

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