Friday, November 16, 2007

Starving Budgets and Black holes

Starving budgets and black holes

----- Original Message ----From: Michael Mulligan To: USS_Scorpion_SSN-589@yahoogroups.comSent: Thursday, November 1, 2007 11:43:25 AMSubject: Re: [USS_Scorpion_SSN-589]

The Navy is bleeding

Most of all of our institutional catastrophes… the accident ends up costing a ton more monies than what has been saved. It ends up being about cost cutting and cost containment. The idea of cost cutting sets up behaviors…higher ups ends up dictating, it ends up being extremely coalescing to the managers because they think they are on some grand and important voyage and mission…a mission for the good of the organization. There is usually a lot of pushback and bickering with the group…it creates isolation and even more coalescing of the in play managers. It creates filters with understanding subtle and developing problems…the cost cutting ends up putting a dark shadow over the whole organization. I don’t think the “in our heads” stuff is fully understood…our group behaviors and organization group behavior and interrelationships The poorly implemented cutting program sets in motion a special kind of blindness in the managers…they focus on the target of the cost cutting…the sloughing off of information that contradicts the goals of the budget cutting…the exhilaration of first meeting the cost cutting goal, or ratcheting up the horsepower into meeting unmet goals….we turn off parts of our brain that contradicts the objective of this voyage of insiders trying to meet these budget cuts. It diverts to I am not the CO of a submarine… or commander of a group of submarines….I am a cost cutting manager….all I am dealing with is issues with budgets and accommodating a lack of resources for critical needs. I think budget cutting is an enormously group coalescing force for the insiders…the brotherhood of enforcing budget cuts…meeting a restrictive financial criterion. Tons of organizations have fallen off the cliff during this….NASA is a great example of this. Many times organizations just don’t have the necessary skills with accomplishing budget cutting…they don’t have the guts to sideline facilities and components in the face of less resources…the whole system gets starve for funds…then the weak links break, generally a very important facility has a huge and mindlessly stupid accident and everyone is astonished with how could they be so stupid. Usually there is an exodus of talent that goes out the door…everything still works…until some stress, the flapping of a butterfly’s wing, sets up a cascade accident that nobody initially understands…. or has the skills to head off.

That giant sucking sound you hear….it’s been the huge economy for the last 10 years, some say a bubble…that’s been eating up the best talent from the services.

It’s unbelievable, and squadron, the CO doesn’t have the capability to understand what’s going on….I bet these guys are going to tell the crew, don’t believe what your eyes and ears tell you…it’s not as bad as you think.

These outsiders are already characterizing what the official outcome is going to be…”just a few difficulties” .

Looking for that magic root cause that doesn’t fix anything and is inexpensive…. we’ve gone past that decades ago…it’s always factor(s), causes(s)…they are focused on that one factor…no wonder the navy is bleeding.

I got it, why don’t you throw the brass at it….the hierarchy…put it thought their filters….for their self protection. Why don’t you get civilians in there…I got it, they just won’t understand.

http://www.theday. com/re.aspx? re=47512132- a919-473f- aedb-875f85fa2ac 7

Experts Sent To Groton To Study Sub's Retention

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