Sunday, January 16, 2005

A Message From The Future

Report:U.S.conducting secret missions in Iran
New Yorker article says U.S. commandos in placein 10 Middle East nations

Updated: 1:14 p.m. ET Jan. 16, 2005
WASHINGTON - The United States has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran to help identify potential nuclear, chemical and missile targets, The New Yorker magazine reported Sunday.
The article, by award-winning reporter Seymour Hersh, said the secret missions have been going on at least since last summer with the goal of identifying target information for three dozen or more suspected sites.
Hersh quotes one government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon as saying, “The civilians in the Pentagon want to go into Iran and destroy as much of the military infrastructure as possible.”
One former high-level intelligence official told The New Yorker, “This is a war against terrorism, and Iraq is just one campaign. The Bush administration is looking at this as a huge war zone. Next, we’re going to have the Iranian campaign.”
White House disputes reportThe White House said Iran is a concern and a threat that needs to be taken seriously. But it disputed the report by Hersh, who last year exposed the extent of prisoner abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
“We obviously have a concern about Iran. The whole world has a concern about Iran,” Dan Bartlett, a top aide to President Bush, told CNN’s “Late Edition.”
Of The New Yorker report, he said: “I think it’s riddled with inaccuracies, and I don’t believe that some of the conclusions he’s drawing are based on fact.”
Bartlett said the administration “will continue to work through the diplomatic initiatives” to convince Iran — which Bush once called part of an “axis of evil” — not to pursue nuclear weapons.
“No president, at any juncture in history, has ever taken military options off the table,” Bartlett added. “But what President Bush has shown is that he believes we can emphasize the diplomatic initiatives that are underway right now.”
Bush has warned Iran in recent weeks against meddling in Iraqi elections.
Commandos in place?The former intelligence official told Hersh that an American commando task force in South Asia is working closely with a group of Pakistani scientists who had dealt with their Iranian counterparts.
The New Yorker reports that this task force, aided by information from Pakistan, has been penetrating into eastern Iran in a hunt for underground nuclear-weapons installations.
In exchange for this cooperation, the official told Hersh, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has received assurances that his government will not have to turn over Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan’s atomic bomb, to face questioning about his role in selling nuclear secrets to Iran, Libya and North Korea.
Hersh reported that Bush has already “signed a series of top-secret findings and executive orders authorizing secret commando groups and other Special Forces units to conduct covert operations against suspected terrorist targets in as many as 10 nations in the Middle East and South Asia.”
Defining these as military rather than intelligence operations, Hersh reported, will enable the Bush administration to evade legal restrictions imposed on the CIA’s covert activities overseas.
Copyright 2005 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.

A Message From The Future

Date: Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:21 pm Subject: Re: The new Dark Age –“seat belts required” when reading!

Mike,With all due respect, you take yourself way too seriously. I doubt any foreign or domestic leaders care about your letter much less aretalking about it.TimThe new Dark Age –"seat belts required" when reading!Well, I have rattled the whole planet with this last week when I released it (10/10/04)–many capitals are talking about this scenario. As my mother told me all the time –you are nothing but trouble. I had gotten an Israeli response and we got Russian diplomats running to Iran. Believe me this is all window dressing that makes the government official's looking good. It's nothing but free drinking and dinners and deals.In the shadow of this the republicans and democrats don't look very effective –and they were both beating around the bushes in the debates with this.Some are now thinking I am a security threat to the United States of America (who have I been talking to) and others are saying that I have shifted the geopolitical position of our country on nuclear proliferation -relations between nations. Will I have started a military action in preventing a catastrophe? They are talking about me throughout Washington DC. Did the NRC respond to this already?There is no greater governmental document on the planet that expresses the hopes and dreams of humanity –upholds the dignity of the human spirit –than our USA constitution. There are many documents of its equal -but none better in the world. I swear to god I love our constitution and I hold it sacred it in my heart.I'll give you first shot at publicly disclosing this –but I will understand it if you can't. It's going to get out!Thanks,mike mulliganHinsdale, NHLetter to the Editor:I am speaking from the year 2106. Our planet has just begun to recover from the modern dark ages. They say truth is stranger than fiction –who would have thought airplanes could be used as political guided missile messages that destroyed two skyscrapers, witness the Twin Towers in New York City in 2001. These are the astonishing events that led to depopulating of half the planet. Modernity dropped back a century in time on average to 1900 throughout the world by 2020.Ironically, this modern Dark Age holocaust saved the planet. We were heading over the unrecoverable cliff if we kept going the way we were. Human life would have ended on this planet earth without this nuclear exchange. What did we say about that life and evolution always protects itself? All of a sudden the planet wide political pressures of global warming, energy and resources shortages were drastically reduced because of the planet wide human and industrial die-off.As we sit in 2106 on a global level -all of our political and educational processes have been drastically changed. We have developed a planet wide ethical and moral code. This came through a catastrophe of enormous proportions and the death and sufferings of billions of people. The way we look at our children today is so different than in the year 2004.We know that any child born on this planet has the potential and the requirement –to change the course of history of this planet. We give even our poorest and disadvantaged children the finest educational tools that money can buy in the hopes that our child will change the course of our future history. Every child on this planet gets educated like this –and every child is our own child!The extremist Islamic Iranian wilayat al-faqih eventually got a series of nuclear bombs in 2006. They detonated two bombs in Israel, one each over downtown Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The Israelis never knew if it came by missile or was sneaked in through the boarders of a destabilized Iraq. Israel within hours immediately retaliated. They devastated Iran through a series of atomic detonation. The Israeli military destroyed the capitals of China, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia (and Holy City of Makkah (Mecca) and Russia. You have no idea what this did to the price of oil –this was devastating to the global economic system.The majority of the financing of the Iranian nuclear bombs came from a surprising source. There is evidence today that there was an Al-Qaeda plot involved with the Russians and Iranians. It also seems that a few Russians generals held a grudge with the American involvement in the Afghanistan Vietnam, which led to the downfall of the old Soviet Empire. At the time Russia didn't have a real government –it was ruled by mafia don like figures.The majority of the financing of the Iranian nuclear program came from the American electric utility rate payers. By 2004, the electricity in one out of ten households was being supplied from the Russian weapons grade nuclear material through the megaton to megawatt program. We were purchasing HEU grade Uranium from the Russian nuclear bomb building program and fueling up American nuclear power plants in the hopes of reducing the nuclear proliferation problems to the tune of one half a billion dollars a years. There was just too much money to be made at all levels of the production and manufacturing with this Russian nuclear material, for anyone to having any moral qualms with this.A large proportion of the American monies got diverted into the Russian covert nuclear proliferation program that created the Iranian nuclear weapons. There was a theory that it was Chinese rocket technology that propelled the bomb to Jerusalem. It was common knowledge throughout the American political and intelligence bureaucracy that the American nuclear electric monies were disappearing in the Putin regime. We knew the Russians would sell weapon technology without a hint of morality –likewise most of the country's on this planet would sell weapons without a hint of morality including and especially the Americans.To this day we wonder why the American CIA and intelligence community didn't inform the American public of this impending catastrophe. It is recognized that the American intelligence community was going under historic reorganizations because of the intelligence failures of 9/11 and the WMD failures of Iraq. It was discovered the American intelligence community had gotten even more blinded than the lead up to 9/11 because of the failure of the American public's responsibility to manage their political system by 2006. This became another item on a long list of American institutional political failures of recent.We wonder to this day did the American intelligence community work for the particular political regime or did they work for the people at large? Why wasn't the American intelligence community working for the people's of the planet. What it was discovered, was a common relationship throughout the planet is the elites had transcended into competing for wealth and power between themselves –special access to markets and capital. They had forgotten that they were given this privilege in order to create stability and progress for the whole planetIt was a huge planet wide educational failure of theirs!Thank You,mike mulliganHinsdale, NH
posted by Mike Mulligan at 6:16 PM 1 comments

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