Sunday, January 16, 2005

Charging the USA with "Crimes Against Humanity"

Creating the potential of cultural changes in large systems

So the question is, how does one make a charge of “crimes against humanity” of a country, community or town. It’s interesting that the USA never gets any international criticism about how we take care of the disabled. Right, another country would have to have a better record on taking care of the disabled and parentless children than the USA.

You know my tactic if I have concerns about an internal defect in me that I can’t control (say honesty). I go looking for a similar defect in another person or system. I then point out that defect in them in a situation. It’s strange I can sometimes identify defects in other peoples and systems before I can identify them in me. So as we get into this conflict –say about honesty in somebody other than me –it finally seeps in my thick noggin that I have the same problem- or I worry about being a hypocrite.

Is the whole political world in collusion about the care of the disabled –do the politicians of the planet not want to be held unaccountable for this –does the majority of the peoples of the planet not want to be held accountable for the least of us? I could make the case that the majority of peoples of this planet are cold and uncaring to the plight of the disabled –and to the poor…. At least the elites are that way…but what about the rest of you?

So charging my community –the state of New Hampshire –fundamentally the USA with “Crimes Against Humanity” forcing the UN to open an investigation of the charges –this would have the potential to reset the standards across the globe with the care of the disabled. If the most advanced and wealthy nation on the face of the planet is found corruptly not being able to adequately take care of the disabled and troubled children—that we jail a large majority of the mentally ill as medical care and all the rest… what does this say for the dictators and rest of the planet?

We world have to have another nation with unparallel courage –say a media investigation and interest about the lack of care in the USA –and that an individual(me if it comes to that)is charging his nation with “crimes against humanity”. Maybe a BBC investigation ---better yet the French could do an enormous service to the planet with their media getting involved with this. You see if the French got involve in this with all of our recent tensions –there would leverage a lot bigger debate about what we in the USA are doing here.

We could reset the standards of care across the planet for the vulnerable –the mentally and physically disabled –and our children who are immersed in turmoil!

So how does one begin to make a “Crimes against Humanity” charge to the UN against USA?

But then again the USA is the single largest contributor to the UN –and thus the UN holds us unaccountable. Is it really payoff money?


mike mulligan

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