Thursday, February 18, 2021

Mars Rover and Aliens

Update April 9

Astonishing new footage captures ‘pyramid UFOs swarming US Navy destroyer'

The amazing video and collection of photos of a "spherical" craft swarming a US Navy destroyer were allegedly part of a classified briefing conducted to "de-stigmatise the UAP problem"

Are the aliens actively communicating with us? They must see all the interest with Aliens in our media. I am convinced the aliens can inter any computer system on this planet. What is their strategy? Their is no doubt the aliens figured the orbs or pyramids dancing around the destroyer would get out to the media. In the past few years, forces within our government have come to the conclusion the Aliens are threat to the Navy and our nation. Who even knows if the aliens have been secretly in communications with the USA government? I believe they have been. What if they are blackmailing us with we can destroy Washington DC any time we want. Or we have become so unstable, we could threaten alien civilizations in the future. There is no doubt the Aliens are intentionally interacting with our military. They now know the greatest militarily power in the world is getting ready to disclose everything about our aliens. The aliens themselves are fueling deep public interest in Aliens within our society. Look at the rather large soft power the Aliens have with us now. They could create a host of situations worldwide where they could highjack the media and the activities of our government on their call. Like, flying a gigantic flying triangle saucer slowly over Washington DC like they did in the Phoenix Arizona lights incident. It is astonishing already how much alien power they hold on us without firing a shot. 

In the coming years I expect more direct UFO breakouts and rather larger craft to buzz our big cities. 

I think civilizations hundreds of thousand of years or millions of years old more advanced than us needs a much more advanced ethical and morality system than us. Less advanced ethics/moral civilizations soon jump off the cliff and are never heard from again. Evolution always needs stress for progress...advanced intelligence and ethics/morality always favors long lasting civilizations.    

What do you think will be the interactions with covid and aliens sociologically. I think covid has more subdued or inhibited our populations. We won't see the typical hysterical human responses as we had in the past with aliens or disclosures. In many ways, we are all better in copping with our demons post covid. It is a rare opportunity for alien disclosure. Was covid always about facilitating alien disclosure...softening us up, forcing us to join the cosmic coalition of advanced civilizations. This is what these advanced civilizations has been juggling for thousands of years. When a planet is spinning towards complete destructions, do you leave them alone to die by themselves or do you intervene to recue the planet. How big do you go in? If you go in too little, it will just lead to more the deaths and destruction. Maybe it takes millions of covid deaths in order to straighten us up? Does the ends justify the means on a planetary level with a advanced civilizations millions older than us? It must be unimaginable to us with the advanced understanding the aliens have on this universe(s) and every life form in it. Remember new technology from other cultures on this planet and the alien technology today... is always thought of as magic! What magic a million year old civilization must have? How do they make us understand? So saying this in plain language, is it worth it to kill 5 to 12 millions humans on planet earth in order to save it? To make earth a big player in the cosmos a millions years from today. 

***Now is the time. Wouldn't it be cool with the rover's cameras to see aliens standing in front of the machine? Them in a completely non threatening way and in a friendly posture waving at us all. A big fat aliens' smile as best you can. Because with our militarize society, give us a perfect solute to show how proud you are with our space skills. Hinting space adventures are the way to go, not excessive militarism. Let the disclosure begin! We need something big to take our minds off the horror of this world. You need to have a written sign on you saying something really humorous. Alien and human humor.  

Hey, if we won't admit this very friendly encounter, send me a video of the of the Rover's encounter with you guys? Do you have males and females? Meet me in the woods. You know where I go. I will record the meeting and your beautiful craft with my cell phone. I promise you my image would get into every home on the planet.

I am prepared! I can take it all!

Better yet for proof. Take me in your craft to Mars. Put me in your protective field. Let me walk around the rover without a space suit in my regular clothes. So everyone can see me face. Wouldn't that be a blast. Seeing how you are so more advanced then me, I will do it your way. You know I won't do this if it isn't in the greater interest of the planet. 

The rover has microphones : ) So connect me to the NASA's control room so we can talk. Allow them to ask me a few questions while I am on Mars. I know there is a time lag with communication. Fix it. The longer I am on mars the better. Hmm, whom do I go too first? The NTYs or CNN? I think I would go to the NYT's. You might have to drive me around the USA for a bit to find a outlet. It is absolutely appropriate for you to give me a download to my brain so I can communicate better. You can massively uprate my CPU. My wife has been disparately waiting for this for 36 years. You can't hurt me.

Do you see the humor in this? Hey, we are looking for alien life on Mars?

When I get back to earth I going to need some protection for awhile until everyone gets use to this. Absolutely no violence!             


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