Thursday, January 21, 2021

Fauci Lied to us!

Update Jan 25 

Birx is in the same boat. You got to know, if this didn't come from our highly educated and elites, say regular person...they would be held accountable for political spinning surrounding a historic pandemic. Don't tell me our classes are treated similarly. 

You know what is going on here? We as a nation are getting ready to set up a historic blue ribbon commission on how we handled the covid pandemic. Fauci and Birx are trying to buff up their image in anticipation of the commission. Their careers are going to be wrecked in the investigation.   

***Fauci extensively talked positively to us about the about vaccine distribution plans. It was all lies. Remember telling the truth according to President Biden is his administration's prime directive. Fauci should now play no role in our covid problem as he can't be trusted. He should be kicked out of government.      

CNN: "Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start 'from scratch,' sources say"

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