Monday, September 21, 2020

Covid: Are We Heading For Trouble With New Medicines and Procedures?

We have been saving a lot of very sick Covid patients with the new medicines and medical procedures. They are bringing back people from the dead. Steroids being one example. The patients still have very long hospitalizations and lengthy critical care needs. I think our hospitals and critical care facilities will overload a lot more faster than in the early covid infections. In the early days, there was a lot of patient turnovers because of the high fatality rate. You see what I am saying? In the late fall and early winter 2020 with the infection surge, it will be noted the fatality rate is smaller than last winter. The hospitals will be filling up with people who should have died. At some point it will overwhelm the facilities and medical staffs with the burdens of the very sick saved by the new medicines and procedures. This is when the fatality rate will skyrocket skyrocket!           

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