Thursday, August 20, 2020

Them Damn Democrats' Are Doing It Again

 What I can say about the Dem convention, it just wasn't unsatisfying. It was like a exaggerated product advertisement who just shows you a selective view of the gadget. They are just promise the gadget will make your life perfect, but it never does. They are just selling dreams for selfish mean. Like, what was wrong with the last election and what did they learn from it (Clinton) will they be different. How did The Obama administration make black lives better? Reform the police departments? The example was bragging about all the jobs created by the Obama last night. He hardly created any jobs other than those lost from the great recession. I hold the Dems more accountable for how we got here because they are the party of the middle class and poor. This is how Trump flourish, the middle class and poor has had a really tough 30 years. We haven't gained much during those times and the world has gotten much harsher for most of us. It is just no wonder why so many people voted for trump and have given up on all institutions. Obama, the Dems and lot of them have failed us in so many year over decades. I just think so many have lost all faith in our institutions and politics, we voted for trump as a act of terrorism. I know Trump is a scumbag and unstable...but I want to vote to punish the system for ignoring me and the people around. So voting for great plans and ideas never worked, so I am going to do the opposite to vote against my greater self  and my nation's interest, in the hopes of punishing our political and institutional systems. 

I think a lot of people will see the shallowness of the Dems with their really excessive positive and savior opinion with themselves in recent days. An slick advertisement and a gross misrepresentation  of the Democrat experiences for most of us and especially the poor. Hey, you are all heroes to each other, as this nation and many of us were grounded into the dirt for decades. Especially our children who aren't voting in masses, because they feel it the most and are sick and tired of our shit. There has got to be a great reckoning with the Democrat experience in the last 50 years before enough people vote for the revolution we are seek. You bet your ass monied politics is behind all of this. You and us have to talk about all you sins, how you failed us. What you did behind the scenes. And sincerely apologies to us all for all your sins. disclose it all!  Beg us for forgiveness. Trust that the good Americans will do the right thing this up coming elections.    

All you people are is playing the covid card and going full anti Trump. Your failures created Trump! We have to regain a sense of trust and integrity with our politicians and institutions. It is pitiful you think we are going vote for you because you had a tough life and grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, then joined the system that created this horrible world in front of us. Or our Republic and beautiful Constitution is lost for all eternity!

Do you even know what Trump did to us in the opening stages of his presidency. He threw so many bad things at us in the early stages of his presidency, the campaign itself...we never had a huge transparent reckoning with why the Clinton campaign failed and why large segments of our citizens were turning or becoming indifferent to the party? We never had a deep searching in our hearts souls with how the party failed. And you can bet as a result of the last series of republican presidencies, the party move massively towards to the right in order to compete with the republicans for votes and money. How did such a wounded candidate as Clinton become the contender?                        

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