Sunday, April 05, 2020

What Are The Implications With A Dire Nationwide Shortage Of Thermometers (human)

Update April 6

I feel like I am living a alternate reality. Am I dreaming... So the Keene hospital on their special covid line called me back this morning with a few more questions. I told her I feel better this morning and if anything more develops I give them a call back. She thought it was a good plan. I told her about not finding a thermometer anywhere. She said, "oh, the area has been out of thermometer fors a month now"...    

*Can you even imagine a scenario six months ago where we'd have a nationwide shortage of thermometers? Where do you supposed most thermometers are made? My guess China.  

***I have come down with some suspicious symptoms similar to carnivorous.  So I called the special coronavirus line at the Keene hospital. I have utterly minor symptoms. Basically the nice nurse said take two aspirin and call your doctor in the morning. She said I should be monitoring my temperature. By feel, nobody thinks I have any elevated temperature. I feel fine. So I traveled the local drug stores and supermarkets all around me looking for a thermometer. None to be found and they all say they have been out for weeks.


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