Friday, April 10, 2020

Flattening The Curve In NYC

Some epidemiological people think 2 to 5% of our population have become infected by Covid. Almost 20,000 people have died over covid so far in the USA. Most of the PhD's think the infection rate is way lower than 5%. Theoretically if everyone gets infected in the USA, we would have 20 times the death rate as we have today. That would give us a death total of 400,000.        

***In my old age, I have to see evidence and understand the coronavirus curve. I have a very limited group of people who I will believe at face value. I am still really skeptical even with them. I will trust what they say, but I will attempt to verify the information and I carefully consider their history. But I won't attack them with criticism to their face, intensely probe with what they say is true. You know, I got to live with somebody and maintain human relationships.   

Based on the gov of New York, I now believe there is a curve for the coronavirus. It is really good news for the  USA. I see the curve flattening. The rate of increase is slowing down. This says nothing about when we will reach the apex, how will the decline of infections look like in the future.

This says nothing about when we can go back to work. At what national or local infection level can we go back to work. We will just have to carefully watch how the decline in infection plays out until more information becomes available. 

There is a kind of satisfaction in me now that we can at least trust some US gov officials.        

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