Friday, March 06, 2020

What if Burnie, Trump or Joe Dies From Coronavirus


It was a high level CDC official who got the all clear. 

The CDC is under attack by the virus. President Trump cancelled the CDC trip because a agency employee was presumed to have coronavirus. He didn't want to walk into a group infected by the virus. He says the employee was tested clean. A reporter asked if he is now going to go to the CDC today. He answered in a vague manner.  


It could happen here no doubt: Coronavirus strikes top levels of Iranian government as infection rate soars. 

A top Iranian diplomat died of coronavirus infection Thursday, according to state media reports, continuing the heavy toll the outbreak has taken on the country’s leadership as the rate of infection continues to mount dramatically.

*Trump just cancelled his trip to the CDC today. CNN is all over this. This just came out five minutes ago. The feeling is they are trying to socially isolate him because of coronavirus. I'll put my money on the CDC in Atlanta is riddled with coronavirus infections. The stock market would go absolutely crazy if coronavirus was in the CDC. It would ruin the reputations of all the nations agencies fighting coronavirus if the CDC was infected.

*Because these guys are so old, the risk of their death is high if they catch the virus. These guys come in direct contact with a lot of people, they come in indirect contact with a unimaginable number of of other people. I wonder if these guys are under special coronavirus procedures and controls? Imagine if one of these candidates disappears into a intensive care room for weeks at a time. Take a look at our congress, they are all old bastards. Same with state government. Our political system is extraordinarily vulnerable and fragile because the system is loaded with the elderly. What if politicians disappear from direct public exposure because they are so fearful of dying. Would the governance by  a old man and a young man be any difference because one of them is much more susceptible to a coronavirus. 

I can't wait to see the envy with the special medical care and all the expensive accommodations the billionaires will get verses all the rest of us will get whom is lost in coronavirus land.        

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