Sunday, March 15, 2020

Risk Perspectives and Priorities

I think these terms are all bullshitism. The burdens of these terms, and they are all ideological, are going to fall on the dis-empowered, poor and weak. We should live in a world that has enough resources for everyone and we should never hear risk perspectives and priorities again.

You should be outrage that Italians doctors have to make a choice of who is to live or dies because there is not enough ventilators. Those doctors, all of us, should be spitting mad at how coolly and clinically the doctors.

I tell you what, if I was in a system like that and I don't care how grave the emergency is, I'd quit or withdraw from the job or system. I would never let a long term dysfunctional system demand I make that choice. I would  fight them from the rest of my life. I would never let a corrupt system ruin my life because it set up this condition.

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