Thursday, March 12, 2020

Italy's Hospitals At The Stage of Collapse

Our trend of coronavirus cases mimics Italy's cases eleven days ago. We are eleven days behind them.  
Monday March 23 is that day!

This is us in eleven days. We have seven times the population as Italy. You can't deny the rate of the intensifying Pandemic is extraordinarily scary.  

Coronavirus: Italy’s hospitals overflow with the dead as toll tops 1,000

Officials in hard-hit Lombardy region have cut red tape for burials and processing of death certificates

Hospitals in Italy’s hard-hit Lombardy region, already overwhelmed trying to care for the increasing number of sick people in limited intensive care units, are overflowing with the dead.

Lombardy’s top health care official, Giulio Gallera, said at the request of the hospitals, the region had simplified the bureaucracy needed to process death certificates and bury the dead, with the death toll in Lombardy alone reaching 617 by late Wednesday.

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