Thursday, March 19, 2020

All Advertisements On the TV Stations, Radios and Cables Should Be Suspended For The Duration

It is a war to mobilize our and we are in a grave nation emergency. We should repetitively fill up the empty spaces with
I give you an example. We could endlessly humiliate the behavior of our children on the beeches of Florida. We could fill up all the advertisement space in the vicinity of these beeches with warnings and generational humiliation. Let not forget about Facebook and the other social media. Talk tough to them and talk about death all the time. It could be the example for the nation!    
coronavirus information and public service notifications. We should mobilized the ad infrastructure to product public service information, notification and best advice.

What more could symbolize are dire war stance than to remove these worthless advertisement from our radios, social media, cable, TV stations and networks in the greater service to our to our nation. 80% of the advertisements should come from the USA government! 

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