Monday, February 10, 2020

The Great Deception Going On About The Cruise Ship Diamond Princess In Japan

Feb 28

At least 5 Diamond Princess passengers have died

From CNN's Junko Ogura in Tokyo

A woman in her 70s is the fifth passenger on the Diamond Princess cruise ship to die from the novel coronavirus, Japan’s Health Ministry said Friday.

A top Japanese government adviser told CNN this week that the quarantine measures enacted on the Diamond Princess, which was docked off Yokohama for two weeks, may have allowed additional infections to spread among the ship's crew and passengers.

The American-owned cruise ship was put under quarantine by Japan after a coronavirus outbreak was detected on board.

At least 705 people contracted the virus during the quarantine. For a time, the ship had the largest concentration of cases outside of mainland China, where the virus is thought to have originated.

Japan has now confirmed 10 deaths from the coronavirus.

Feb 19

Just awful and unbelievable. We couldn't even imagine this happening anywhere on the planet a month ago: More people from the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship tested positive for the novel coronavirus Wednesday, according to the Japanese Health Ministry.

The ministry said 79 new cases were confirmed, adding that 68 of the people were said to be asymptomatic.

The cases were taken from 607 samples on the cruise ship that has been docked in the Japanese port of Yokohama for two weeks.

In Japan, a total of 692 novel coronavirus cases have been confirmed, with 624 from the Diamond Princess and 68 outside the ship.

Feb 18

All the Americans have been flown home yesterday including about 14 infected:

There are 88 more cases of novel coronavirus on the Diamond Princess, the cruise ship currently docked in Yokohama, the Japanese health ministry announced on Tuesday.

That brings the total number of cases from the ship to 544, and 606 in Japan as a whole.

Around 3,600 passengers have been quarantined on the vessel in the Japanese port since February 4.

Feb 16

More cruise ship cases: 70 more coronavirus cases were confirmed on board the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise liner in Yokohama, Japan, bringing total infections to 356. A flight evacuating US passengers is due to depart later Sunday -- those on board will face another quarantine once they land. Feb 15

Diamond Princess cruise ship has 67 more coronavirus cases

USA passengers are heading home. 
Questions raised over protective gear as Japan quarantine officer gets COVID-19
*Why do these highly educated people under estimated the dangerousness with this virus  

According to the health ministry, the officer was dispatched to collect health questionnaires from passengers on Feb. 3 and Feb. 4 and to check their temperature. The officer spent the next two days working at a quarantine station and started to feel ill Sunday. He went to a clinic the following day and tested positive Tuesday.
Everyone is operating on uneducated assumption! 
“Health authorities in China have raised alarm over risks that the novel coronavirus can be transmitted through the eyes,” stressed Masaya Yamato, director of the Infectious Diseases Center at Osaka-based Rinku General Medical Center. “Even if the officer was just collecting survey responses, he should have worn goggles.”
More assumption! 
“Fatigue accumulation causes immune dysfunction,” Iwasaki said. “The worker may have contracted the virus after touching his nose or mouth if he had touched walls or handrails or gloves he used on the ship.”
More self serving assumption.  
Nevertheless, Iwasaki believes the officer’s role in further spreading the virus wasn’t significant.

“The number of viral particles in the human body immediately after transmission is relatively low,” she said.

“Many people visit quarantine stations including those who come to perform export or import inspections or to get a vaccination shot. We need to consider the possibility that the virus may have spread outside the ship and may have been transmitted to the officer’s family members or his co-workers.”
No science, just more assumption.  
Such close contact with people infected with the virus is not envisaged in the job description of a quarantine officer. Considering this point, “this virus must be of a very high infectivity,” she said.
Just how stupid are the Japanese  
Of the 174 infected onboard the Diamond Princess, 20 are crew members. These include restaurant and bar staff, those responsible for cleaning guests’ rooms, and some were sharing rooms with other crew members. Because quarantine inspectors and crew are in constant contact with passengers, there’s a possibility this frequent contact has become one of the infection routes.

“Even if passengers stay in their rooms, every day crew members and quarantine officers are coming in and out. If they are infected, they may spread the virus to the passengers,” stressed another former quarantine station chief. The official has gone through a quarantine drill for handling H1N1 influenza on a large cruise ship with more than 3,000 passengers.

“It’s likely that no one had envisioned a scenario in which one infected person after another would be taken from their rooms and hospitalized,” the official said.
*Forty one more infected on the Diamond Princess plus the guy taking the temperatures of the passenger.  

*According to the World Health Organization you can expect these kinds of medical care with the coronavirus. Remember we are talking about 135 people here. I am sure this medical issue percentages will would hold true for the Diamond Princess and the USA! So why aren't the Japanese not disclosing these outcomes besides the minor sickness with the PR prop.   

Hong Kong epidemiologist says 60% of the world will become infected. 

80% will be a minor affliction- a caveat to this is, a significant amounts of people with minor symptoms later on develop a cytokine storm and die.

We got many new drugs and procedures, thus very sick people with major organ damage will survive. It will be a very long recovery and use tremendous resources. We might not have a very high fatality rate, but those recovering are going to use a lot of hospital resources. 

10-100% will need oxygen and supplemental ventilators" 

20% to 25% of those will need intensive care. 

5% to 10% of those will need mechanical ventilators.

15% will be very sick with pneumonia and need hospitalization 

*As far as the Diamond Princes parked in Japan, one hundred and thirty five passengers have been tested as coronavirus positive. Only one passenger has emerged from the infection and is talking to the public...he says he has always been symptom free? Don't you find that suspicious. Why don't they list out all the passengers who are seriously sick, in the ICU or on the respirators. Why don't the Japanese list out all the medical conditions with all the passengers for the next few weeks. Can you see the implications for Japan right now if we discovered ten passengers on the artificial ventilators and near death. There would be mind-blowing panic on the streets of Japan and severe pressure to get that ship outside Japan if that was so. Everybody lies for there own agenda. If the death rate is 2% to 4%, then you are going to see two to four dead before the virus burns out on the Diamond Princes. This is going to be a excessively shocking event for Japan. It is going to look like everyone was being deceptive. This is the nature of panics in pandemics, for good reasons, we end up not trusting our leaders!!
A dozen or more people in very serious condition from the ship would shock the whole world and maybe move the stock markets... 


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